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A/N: The last chapter was a heart clencher, for sure. Where is Cameron going? Is she really leaving all of her friends, her sister, and the love of her life? What will happen? Vote and enjoy this chapter, fuckers! 💋



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A state of serene calmness.

  I finally laid my bags down in the apartment that I could call mine. It's been a week since I left without telling anyone. I snuck out whilst everyone was sleeping and left a note on my pillow stating that I loved them all and wish them the best on their future endeavors. I told them not to worry about me, that I would be okay.

  After I left that night, I flew across the country and ended up north. I grabbed a hotel and applied for three apartments slash penthouses. I debated whether or not to transfer colleges or drop out completely. I decided the latter and canceled everything. Last night I got the call that I was accepted into the penthouse I wanted most. I paid the kind lady and now we're up to date.

  I grinned at the balcony that descended from my living room, I was twenty feet up so my view was immaculate. Grabbing my bags from the floor, I quickly walked to my room and put away the folded clothes in the drawers to which they belonged. I blew out a breath of relief and decided I would go grocery shopping tomorrow. I kicked the shoes off of my feet and looked towards the bed... which inconveniently had no bedspread on it. My mouth burped a very loud and dramatic groan before I stepped back into my black vans, grabbing my over-the-shoulder bag and keys.

I walked to the elevator and made my way to the base floor, quickly walking out of the building and catching a taxi. I shivered from the cold, rainy weather and told the man to go to the nearest grocery store.

  Once I arrived, I quickly walked in and grabbed a cart, filling it up with food and drinks to fill my cabinets, freezer, and fridge. After I filled my cart up completely, I found a nice light purple bedspread and walked across the store to the everyday supplies. I grabbed a new toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, hairbrush, shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, and perfume. I also grabbed a few new outfits and cleaning supplies as well as supplies to eat off of and drink out of.

  Once I figured everything was settled and was pushing two carts at once, I struggled to push them to the front of the store to check out my items. I sighed and debated whether or not to abandon one of them and come back for it after I finished the first cart. Just as I was about to start pushing both of them again, someone behind me cleared their throat. I turned around and was faced with a man who looked around my age and very handsome.

His hair was brown, naturally. It was faded on the sides, his matching colored eyebrows sat in a perfect masculine arch that reminded me of Elliott's. Stop thinking of Elliott, Cam... you came here to start over...   His eyes were a beautiful dark green hazel that stood bright under the store's harsh light. His stance stood just a few inches shorter than what Elliott's would've stood, ugh, Cameron, stop! His skin was tanned and blank of tattoos, unlike someone in my past... His lips were in the perfect pink pout, just slightly smaller than Elliott's- stop. His bearded stubble was attractive and I had hardly noticed his lips turned into a grin before he chuckled. I blinked and realized I had been checking him out hardcore. I smiled sheepishly as my cheeks turned beet red, "I'm sorry, can I help you?"

  "I just noticed that you were having a hard time pushing two carts at once, may I?" His voice was thick with an Italian accent as he motioned to one of my carts. I bit my lip to stifle a laugh and nodded, "Was it that pathetic?" He chuckled and shrugged, "Only slightly, don't worry."

I grinned and we began pushing the carts to the front, "Thank you for this, really." He winked and we finally reached the registers. He began unloading the cart he helped push as I did the same. I smiled at him and when we finished and I paid, I sighed at how much stuff I had actually bought. Thank God for college no longer being in the equation or I wouldn't have been able to get half of this.

"Thank you, again, I'll just be on my way now," I said softly and he shook me off, "Taxi won't be able to hold all of this. Let me take you home and I don't mean that as crude as it sounds."

I giggled and pursed my lips, "I don't even know your name and I'm supposed to just let you in my home?"

"Salvatore Romano at your service," he said dramatically as he took his hat off and bowed, putting it back on afterwards with a goofy smile. I smiled, "Your name is quite backwards, no? I'm Cameron Moore."

He snorted as he reached out to shake my hand, "Boyish name, no?" I mocked hurt and laughed as he guided me to his truck. It was nice, he had money. His optimistic and glass-half-full kind of attitude made it easy for me to trust him. That may be reckless on my part but after the month I've had, I get a pass. We threw my bags into the bed of his truck and he opened the door for me to climb in. With little conversation in the truck on the short ride back to my penthouse, we finally made it there and up to my room with the help of one of the security members. I thanked the security and he left with a curt farewell.

"Well, Salvatore, thank you very much for helping me- although I'm not sure what compelled you to," I said with a chuckle and he smiled, "Call me Salv. And it's no problem, Cameron, it may have just been my ego. It's too big to just let a beautiful girl such as yourself struggle alone."

  "Call me Cammie, want a drink?"

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now