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A/N: Shit went ALL the way down and is still spiraling! What's happening? Please vote and enjoy, gorgeous babies💛

A/N: Shit went ALL the way down and is still spiraling! What's happening? Please vote and enjoy, gorgeous babies💛~*~

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Filled with horror or shock.

   It took me only two seconds to realize I needed to find Dean. No matter how angry or hurt I am because of his actions, I can't let that cloud the fact that he's an addict in recovery. I pushed my hurt feelings to the side and sped walked out of the room, leaving Elliott to deal with Andy. My head had a soaring pain going through the side of it where Andy slammed me. I spit blood on the floor, it was pure red from my busted lip. That's going to be sore in the morning.

  My eyes scanned the intoxicated people; I'm trying so hard not to panic about this whole situation but because of my history with substance abuse, it's really hard. I spotted Daniela and Mia, their eyes were hellbent on finding someone, probably me. I walked up to them and smiled. Daniela's eyes zeroed in on my lip and she inhaled sharply, "I'm assuming you found Andy?" I nodded, "Yes, but no time to talk. I have to find Dean, Elliott is taking care of Andy for you upstairs, second room from the last."

Mia gave me a bone-crushing hug to show her gratitude and I hugged back before peeling off of her body quickly. I peeked my head around the corridor, seriously wishing I wasn't so short as of now. The music was so loud so it only added to the pain to my head. My head was throbbing and I'd be surprised if I wasn't concussed. I scanned each and every individual before I noticed Dean, hunched over. My eyebrows met in confusion and I brushed past the dancing, sweaty bodies to get to him. Just as I was about to tap on his shoulder, he lifted up, throwing his head back as he sniffed and rubbed his nose.

I turned to the side and seen him doing a line of cocaine from a girl's breasts. My eyes widened in horror, no! He chuckled with his eyes closed, his body visibly relaxed and she trailed her finger down his bare chest, tracing his abs. I feel bile churning up my throat at the sight. I'm reliving a memory I want to keep buried, I can't do this. My hands instinctively raised to my hair and I tugged hard, feeling my hair pull on my scalp- it brought me back to reality.

"D-Dean..." I croaked out and he turned to me, a lazy smile on his face, "Hey, baby. Want some?"

I shook my head, "Why...? Why are you doing this?" He chuckled lazily before I noticed it. Oh, no. Oh, God, no, please don't be what I think it is. My breath hitched in my throat when I saw the tourniquet tied tightly around his arm, an empty needle in his hand. "Oh, God!" I cried out and he slumped against the wall in euphoria. My hands started shaking, I can't-

My handles fumbled around in my pocket, fishing for my phone as I stumbled away from Dean. I called Skye from speed-dial. She answered as soon as I threw up, "What's up, Cammie?" Acid burned my throat and I tried to get outside, "S-Skye..."

"Cameron, what happened? Where are you, I'll come get you," Her authoritative voice quickly turned serious as I pushed past people. The smell of vodka and skunk was overpowering. A short woman was hunched over the desk, snorting pills her friend was crushing up. A gurgled and panicky sob erupted from my throat, "D-Dean, re-relapse..."

My phone was ripped from my ear and a feminine arm hooked around me, steadying me. I looked to my right and Daniela placed the phone to her ear, "Hey, Skye, I'm bringing her home... Yes, Dean relapsed... what's wrong with her, why is she freaking out so much.... No, I understand. We'll take her home now." Daniela placed my phone in her pocket and helped me down to the first floor.

"I can take her home for you, baby girl," A gross greasy man's voice told Danny, but she ignored him. Once we reached the first floor, I noticed Elliott and his eyebrows furrowed at my sick state. Daniela walked us over to him, "Take her home, Elliott. I don't know what's wrong with her but out of everyone, you'll be able to calm her down." He silently agreed, "Get my brother out of here, Oliver is on his way to help." Elliott picked me up, walking me to his car. Wow, he has a car? I thought he only owned a motorcycle.

  I thought back to Dean and how similar he looked to him... to Noah... how he looked just before everything spiraled downwards. I choked on a sob and he sat me in the passenger seat, buckling me in, "Everything is going to be okay, Cam, trust me."

I don't remember how or at what point I ended up falling asleep, but I woke myself up by screaming. I raised up in bed, shivering although I'm sweating and the light flicked on. Elliott tore himself off of the recliner and rushed over to me, "What's wrong?" I whimpered as he sat in front of me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me onto his lap as he stroked my hair.

  My door swung open and Scout rushed in, Skye hot on her heels.

  "Same nightmare?" Scout asked, frantically and tears welled up in my eyes as I nodded. I had almost gotten over them, but one small argument with Dean and they were back. "She has reoccurring nightmares?" He asked and Skye looked at me warily, as if asking me if it was okay to tell him things. I nodded into his chest and he rubbed my back in soft circles. His strong grip on me never faltered as Skye nodded, "She's had them for a while now."

Scout looked at me as a tear slipped from her eye. She crouched to her knees and looked up at me, holding my hand in hers, "Please tell him, Cammie. He might be able to help you. We can't be around you all the time... so if he knows he can help." I felt Elliott's chest muscles tighten, he's nervous. I whimpered, hot tears parading down my cheeks, "I can't... I-I'll freak out if I explain verbally."

"Let me tell him, babe," Skye said as she placed a hand on Scout's shoulder. Should I let her? Should I let Elliott in? Scout's logic was smart... maybe she's right?


Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now