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A/N: Did we know Cameron was the type to jump on something so quick? How are we feeling about this girl power movement? I'm personally digging it! <3 Please vote and enjoy, shitheads! 💋🌠



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(Of a person or behavior) appearing aggressive or hard but unstable or nervous within.

   "Hey, sexy," A drunken man purred in my ear as I shoved through the crowd of the ginormous frat house. I've got a little present or two for Andy and I don't even care if I go to jail for it. I hissed at the man, instantly weirding him out and scaring him simultaneously that he stumbled over his feet and fell to the ground with a hard thud. I laughed at his drunken stupor and continued making my way through the crowd. Danny was holding my hand and Mia was holding hers so we wouldn't lose each other.

  Apparently, the frat house is a never-ending party central. There are different layers of partying on each floor of the house. The first flat was usually drinking with drinking games, the second level was weed, the chill people and the third flat was the drug users. I hate drugs because of my history in England, but I would do anything to protect my friends. So if that means potentially getting over something that happened for a time span of ten minutes? I'll do it every time.

  I jogged up the stairs, brushing past people when I felt Danny's hand slip from mine. I didn't acknowledge that I just kept on pushing towards my mission. I bumped into someone who looked familiar and they accidentally spilled their drink on the front of my sweater. I groaned but chose to ignore it for the time being. Once I reached the third floor, that's when my search began. I walked through the first door and immediately regretted it as my eyes fixated on a bottomless blonde scissoring a fully naked brunette. A man was sitting in the chair stroking himself as he watched them, smoking a joint with his free hand.

  I silently gagged and closed the door, walking to the second door. I opened it and it was full of teenage boys rough-housing with one another, spilling drinks and baggies of pills all over the floor. "My stash, you dick!" One boy yelled at the other and I quickly shut the door before I witnessed a murder over molly.

  I opened countless doors before sighing to myself. I opened the second to last door and my eyes zeroed in on Dean. He was slouched in a chair, smoking a joint with his shirt off. The room was hot and hazy, smoke releasing like a cloud from the room once I had opened the door. That's not what I was concerned about, no. What concerned me was the fact that there was a completely naked girl giving him a lap dance as Andy recorded it, a girl kissing all over his neck in nothing but a pair of panties.

  "Go away, Gage! Mia doesn't care!" Andy yelled without looking up. Anger boiled through my veins at not only Dean, but Andy. He doesn't even care that he's breaking his girlfriend's heart. I stomped over to Andy who was too engored in the video he was recording to realize who I was. I bawled my fingers into a fist and reared back, hitting him across the face with as much strength as I could muster up. Pain shot through my hand and I groaned at the pain internally, but I wasn't done.

  Andy stood up, he was only an inch taller than Skye so it wasn't that big of a gap between us. He growled at me as blood spewed from his nose, "What the fuck, Moore?!" Dean looked over at me and panic spread across his face as he pushed the girl off of him, "I-It's not what it looks like! She's high off of opiates but I haven't touched anything!"

  I rolled my eyes, only to have the side of my head slammed by Andy's fist. Dean screamed at Andy to stop as he kicked me to the ground, but I knew this would happen which is exactly why I came prepared. I grabbed the hot pink taser out of my shoe and clicked the button, zapping him in the back. He screamed in agony, his muscles tensing up as he fell to the floor in shock, no pun intended.

  "You little bitch!" Mia's soon to be ex-boyfriend screamed, still stunned since he wasn't moving. I turned around to face Dean, my breathing was uneven from anger, my chest rising up and down rapidly. He looked at me with sorrow dancing across his face when my taser was knocked from my hand and I was tackled by Andy to the ground. He rammed his fists into my ribs and I started to have flashbacks of England as I endured the pain. Andy slammed his palm to my lip and I felt that oh-so-familiar metallic taste fill my mouth. I screamed in anger, pain, and vulnerability. I raised my legs and kicked him off of me, elbowing him in the face before scattering to my feet, "Worthless piece of junkie trash!"

The door burst open and Elliott quickly took in what was happening as Andy yelled, "You're fucking dead, Cameron!" I laughed as he charged at me and before I knew what was happening, a big black blur pounced on top of Andy. Animated punches sounded throughout the room when I noticed Elliott was beating the living hell out of Andy. I softly put a hand on his shoulder, letting him know he should stop, but not trying to get into the middle of a grown man brawl.

  His head jerked around and seen me, his facial features softening immensely, "Cam, are you okay?" He climbed off of Andy's limp and unconscious body, grabbing my face in his large hands as he inspected my wounds. I smiled cheekily at him, "I'm great, you saved my arse again." He chuckled, his thumb brushing over my busted lip and I winced.

  An applaud ricocheted off of the walls and Elliott let me go. I glanced curiously at Dean who was clapping, an angry expression on his face, "Of course you brought my fucking brother. What- you two fucking behind my back now?"

My jaw dropped at his crude accusation before I straightened my posture, "I'm not the one getting lapdances by naked strangers, you manky twit!" Anger was written all over his face and he stormed out of the room. Panic started rising in my belly, Dean is surrounded by temptations and he's in no mood to avoid them. I need to go after him.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now