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A/N: What's going to happen? Vote and enjoy, babes! 💋



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A feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen.

Skye stunned in her spot and everyone stopped what they were doing. Elliott walked out of the room and looked towards everyone, "Don't call 911." Skye nodded and turned her back towards me, barking orders at Andy and Danny.

I looked up at Elliott with a panicked expression, what the hell? Why are they burning Mia's body? Why aren't they getting medical help for Dean who just bloody overdosed? How is Elliott both Oli's and Ry's boss? Why is everyone just listening to Elliott? Who is he? A feeling of panic and adrenaline rose in my belly as he looked at me with a stern expression. Once he realized how scared I was, his face softened and his hand lifted towards me. I jerked away from his grasp as my legs began to shake.

"Cameron," he started but I didn't let him finish before I took a step backward, "Who are you? What's going on?"

He took a step towards me, "I'll explain everything but I need you to trust-"

I looked to the door just as it opened and revealed Scout. Elliott grasped my arm and I involuntarily screamed. I ripped my arm from his grasp and ran downstairs towards Scout. Elliott began calling my name as he chased me and I shook my head, darting out the door and running behind the house. I found a large tree and climbed it quickly. I winced as the bark dug into my bare feet, but the adrenaline allowed me to continue.

Once I was at the very top, I calmed down until I heard multiple people shout my name. Only two distinctive voices stood out; Elliott and Scout. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face in them, plugging my ears as I softly sang a song to keep me from having a panic attack.

After what seemed like ages, I felt arms around me, rocking me softly. My breath hitched and I opened my eyes to see my sister. She smiled softly at me and brushed a lock of hair away from my face, "Hi, Cammie. Come down so we can talk? I convinced everyone to go inside. It's late."

I nodded softly, trusting her and taking her hand as we climbed down the big oak tree. The adrenaline wore off so my feet were in pain. I limped behind her to a big bench swing behind the house. We sat and she grabbed a blanket off of the back as a cool breeze caused us to shiver. She wrapped it around both of us and took a deep breath before glancing at me, "Whatever I say, keep an open mind, okay? And remember that I'm your sister. I love you and so does everyone in that house."

My eyebrows scrunched together but I didn't question her, I just nodded, allowing her to continue with an explanation.

"The police in America... they work for us, but they don't like murder so we keep them out of it," she stated and I opened my mouth to speak but she shook her head, "Let me tell you everything and I'll answer your questions when I'm done, okay?" I nodded and waited impatiently.

"Elliott's family... they originated from Russia, Oliver's too. Elliott's dad's last name was Volkov but they wanted him to have a normal life so they gave their children their mother's last name, King. Oliver's family had always been very close to Elliott's and they agreed to do the same for their children. Oliver's dad's last name was Ivanov. Each child was blessed with an Americanized name, so to speak..." Scout trailed off and I let everything sink in, still not understanding how this is important.

"I know you probably have no clue how this ties in with everything, but trust me, it does. Elliott's family was tied in with the Russian mafia. Elliott's father, Viktor, was the mafia boss. Oliver's father, Yuri, he was the underboss. Self-explanatory from there, right? Yuri was murdered by a traitor, that traitor was killed at the hands of Viktor. When Viktor died last year of a stroke, the meetings within the crime family saw fit that Elliott and Oliver take Yuri and Viktor's place.."

I can't wrap my head around anything, is this a joke? Elliott, my sister, all of my friends... they're in the mafia? The Russian... mafia?

"I-I... Scout..." I stuttered and she raised her hand, indefinitely cutting me off, "Open mind, remember?" I sighed and nodded, watching as the sun disappeared from the horizon as my world completely changed.

"Dean wasn't suited to be the boss, he could never fully get out of drugs. Viktor didn't want this life for his children, but it was almost inevitable. Dean ended up becoming the capo. Basically he dealt with the money. But now that Dean is gone, Ryan will take that position. Ryan was a police officer, he worked on the inside, giving information to Viktor. After Viktor, he gave his information to Elliott. Ryan's job was to inform the boss or underboss of other mobster activity. Such as suspicious activity happening in cartels. Ryan worked amongst FBI agents, not just policemen," Scout admitted and I nodded, rubbing my thighs to calm myself down.

"We are soldiers for the mafia, basically. Skye, Danny, me, we do dirty work. Andy knows something, but he thinks it's just petty gang-related. Carter doesn't know anything. Mia didn't know anything and up until now, that was fine. But Andy watched you kill her and he knows Dean is dead. Andy snitches, we've witnessed him do it to multiple people to keep himself out of trouble. So, Cammie, what should we do? Let him snitch and bring us all down or do what a mafia does?" She asked calmly as if all of this information shouldn't affect me.

"What... what does a mafia do?" I asked shakily and then I heard it. The gunshot that rang through the house.

And an hour ago? I would've run. But now? I sat still with my lips pursed.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now