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A/N: Thanks for reading this far, fuckers! Make sure you hit that little star at the bottom of your screen to vote! Thank you for all your help(:

A/N: Thanks for reading this far, fuckers! Make sure you hit that little star at the bottom of your screen to vote! Thank you for all your help(: ~*~

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Drunk; Intoxicated.

I am... besotted. Plastered. Soused. Sloshed. That's a lot of different synonyms for drunk, right? Definitely so. I am drunk. How did I get this way you ask? Well, it started by the girls dragging me off to the house party. By the way, Dean King's house is huge, I've gotten lost like... four times.

Skye gave me a mixed drink and told me it wasn't that strong. I should've known better, she's a borderline alcoholic when she parties. She can handle her liquor, me? Nope. It tastes like... orange juice... but bitter.

I have been wandering the halls, falling into people for about an hour now. I had to pee and then immediately lost the girls. I should not have gone to pee alone. I stumbled over my feet and damn-near face planted into the beautifully done cherry wood floors- that is until I felt arms wrap around me. I was placed against the wall, someone's arms still on me. I lazily looked and the arms were covered in tattoos. I've never seen someone so decked in tattoos before.

I lived in a super small town in England, tattoos weren't popular in our area. I followed the tattoos up to a face. Good God, this man is stunning. I felt myself salivating and blushed when he smirked at me.

"You okay, Ms.?" He asked, Jesus Christ his voice is even heavenly. It's so rough and deep, but it sounds melodic to my ears. I wanna touch his lips, they're so pretty.

"Ms.?" He asked and I reached my hand up to his face. I caressed his cheek and gave him a lazy smile. He chuckled and shook his head, "You're a goner, I saw you around Daniela Harris. Is she your ride?"

I hummed in response and he grabbed my waist, picking me up and carrying me somewhere. I let my head dangle off his arms as I looked up to him, "You're a ver... very pretty man, sir."

I hiccuped as he snorted, "You are very gorgeous yourself, Ms..."

I smiled lazily and heard him talking to someone but I zoned out as my eyes looked at the tattoos on his big biceps. I wonder if they're hard to the touch-

"I'll take her home then, you find your ride. Your house?" I heard him ask.

Then I heard Danny's voice, "Thanks, Elliott. I owe you."

"Just keep my brother out of trouble and call it even, yeah?"


  My head hit something hard and I groaned in pain as I heard someone mumble, "Fuck, sorry."

  What the hell? I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. It's dark, I don't know where I am, and I don't know what's going on. A light flipped on and my head flew backwards dramatically as the harsh pain from the blinding light pierced my eyes. I hissed and a voice spoke, "I should've warned you about that." Deep voice. Deep, deep voice. My friends are girls. My step-dad is on a business trip to my home country. Who the hell is carrying me? I tensed up and began to panic. I didn't bring my taser!

  Almost as fast as lightning, I grabbed my pepper spray from my pocket and sprayed the person holding me in the eyes. I heard a loud yell and I was dropped to the floor. I scrambled to get away and realized I was in Danny's house.

  "What the fuck?!" I heard that same deep voice yell. I didn't even turn back to see who it was. I ran upstairs and into Daniela's room. It has a window with not that high of a jump. I gulped as I looked down, even if it's a low jump, it's still a jump. I heard angry footsteps coming up the stairs, "Where are you?! You're drunk!"

  I stumbled to get my foot out of the window and just as I was about to jump, a hand grasped my forearm and pulled me back in. I shrieked and looked up, realizing it was the stranger from the party.

  "What are you doing?!" He yelled.

  His eyes were bloodshot and watering like crazy. The skin around his eyes was red and irritated as he squinted at me. My mouth fell open but he interrupted me.

  "Daniela told me to bring you home, fuck! Why'd you spray me?" He cursed and I was rendered speechless. I stuttered a few times but ended up coming out with-

  "I.. you... what am... Huh?"

  He turned around and walked into her bathroom, rinsing his eyes. He mumbled silent curses as he did so and I tried to ignore the pounding headache I was currently feeling. If it wasn't from the alcohol, it was from him banging my head on something.

  After a while, he returned with his eyes slightly less irritable. I shot him a tight-lipped smile, forcing my eyes not to check him out. He was seriously sexy. What is it with these American college boys?

  "So... uh... I'm sorry?" I said awkwardly and he chuckled, "I get it. You were confused and lost- you did what you should've."

  I nodded, at least he gets it and isn't enraged.

  "I haven't seen you around school..."

  He nodded, "I graduated a while ago... my brother, Dean, he's a senior there."

  My eyes widened, how much older than me is he?

  "I'm twenty-six," he must've known what I was thinking. Considering I turn twenty this year that's not... that bad. Right?

  "What's your name?"

  "I'm Elliott King," He said with his hand stuck out. I smiled at the formality and shook his hand, "Cameron Moore, fancy meeting you."

  He grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips, looking me in the eye as he placed a soft and sensual kiss to the skin of my hand. It felt intimate and doing so it brought tingles up my arm.

  "It's nice to meet you, Cameron," He winked.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now