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A/N: There's a little bit more of a backstory on the mysteriously bad Noah. How are we feeling about it? Stay tuned! Italics mean flashbacks in this chapter. Enjoy and vote!💋



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An eager desire, an instinctive inclination; an attraction or a natural bond.

"They spent every day together. After about a month of becoming the best of friends... they started dating. It was a beautiful relationship, at first," Skye concluded and Scout cringed.

-Day after Thanksgiving, Jr. Year-

"Voila!" Noah grinned cheekily as he jumped out of the dressing room, showcasing his torso and up bare except the tiny little hot pink bra. I threw my head back and laughed, "No! The purple one would compliment your skin better, tanned arse!"

He laughed and unhooked the bra from the front, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the dressing room. I squealed in surprise as he shut the door and pushed me up against it, kissing me roughly. My hands immediately went to his hair as his hands rested on my face. He was tall, but close in height enough that I could kiss him without standing on my tiptoes.

"I." He kissed me.

"Would loooove." Kissed me.

"To see that." Kissed me.

"Perfect ass of yours." Kissed me harder.

"Dressed in that tiny bra." Bit my lip gently.

I moaned as he took my bottom lip in between his teeth and unbuttoned my shirt. His tongue slipped in my mouth as he slipped the fabric of my shirt off my body, unhooking my bra and ripping it off. He kissed down my neck and trailed his way to my breasts. My eyebrows met in pleasure, my mouth forming the perfect 'o' as he took my left nipple into his mouth.

"So damn sexy," he breathed and I bit my lip to keep from being too loud. He pulled away from my nipple and handed me the purple bra that was way too small for me. I'm a double D and in his hand sat a B. I rolled my eyes playfully and put the fabric on. It covered my nipples barely and he took his phone out, taking a picture of me with my hands on my face.

"Noah, stop!" I said with a pout and he chuckled, "I need something to look at when I'm lonely, baby."

I blushed and tried taking the bra off but he stopped me. We went home with that bra under my clothes that day, not even paying for it.

-Christmas Eve-

"Mum! It's not fair! Scout gets to bring her girlfriend over on Christmas but I can't bring my boyfriend?" I argued with my mum and she sighed, irritated.

"Charles, please," she pleaded with father and he sat the newspaper down, looking towards me.

"Cameron, you're not to invite him, case closed," he dismissed and I huffed angrily, stomping up to my room. I couldn't help but overhear their whispers earlier, conversing on how bad of influence my boyfriend is on me.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now