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A/N: who's ready for this explanation? Who are we shipping in this story? Please vote and enjoy!💛

A/N: who's ready for this explanation? Who are we shipping in this story? Please vote and enjoy!💛~*~

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  A fixation on or compulsive desire for someone or something, typically a drug; an addiction.

"Last year?" I asked and he nodded.

"Last year was a dark place for me. Elliott and I's mom passed away from some rare blood disease when I was only one, Elliott is the only one who remembers her. But our dad, he passed away last year. He had a stroke, it happened so quickly. I spiraled downwards at the frat house with Andy. I was so..."

"Lost," I whispered and he nodded, "Yeah, I was." My heart clenched for the two boys in my life. They lost both of their parents at such a young age.

"I drank every day, I did drugs every day. Anything I could get my hands on, I wasn't picky. I kept myself numb for a year straight. Elliott and his friends, Carter, Skye and even Daniela, they tried so hard to help me out of it. Even sent me to rehab, but I broke out of it for another high. The day I got into a car crash while high off of heroin, that's the day I realized I needed to sober up. Elliott and everyone else helped me, and I haven't touched a drop of alcohol or anything to do with drugs since then. I refuse."

  I took a pause to fiddle around with my fingers, soaking in his story and really listening. I blew out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and looked up to him. He was looking at me with hopeful eyes, almost begging me to understand and not leave. I sent him a soft smile as I stood up and walked over to him. He stood up too, only a few inches taller than me and I wrapped my arms around his torso. He immediately wrapped his arms right back around me and sighed a breath of relief.

  I pulled away after a minute and smiled, "Thank you for telling me, for trusting me."

  Even if I can't trust you yet.

  He nodded appreciatively and he reluctantly dropped his arms back to his sides, "So are you ever going to tell me why Skye told me to back off? What's your story?"

  I tensed and bit my inner cheek, my gut immediately filled with panic as I spoke up, "M-maybe another time, yeah?"

  His eyebrows furrowed but he didn't push it, "As long as you'll let me take you out."

  "With a gun or on a date?" I snickered and he rolled his eyes playfully, "The latter, obviously."

  "I don't know, Dean... I'm... I don't do relationships," I said nervously, my hands in my back pockets. He smirked, "Go out with me tonight and if you don't have fun, I'll leave you alone. If you do have fun then you have to give me a chance at being friends. Not a date. Deal?"

  I thought about it for a minute and ended up agreeing to his thought out proposition. He grinned cheekily and grabbed his keys from the table beside the couch, "Come on then, we have to get you ready!"


I giggled as Dean gives me a silly face, a little bit of ice cream on his nose. We're sitting on a park bench, the cool breeze is nice. I laughed when he didn't wipe it off of his face, "Dean, you have a... a little-"

He pointed to his nose and I nodded, stifling a laugh and he playfully said, "Lick it off, Cam."

I rolled my eyes and leaned over, gathering the dab of ice cream on the tip of my tongue and he grinned cheekily, popping the dimple in his chin. Soon after, we discarded our ice cream containers into the park bin and he lead us to the playground that was seemingly abandoned this evening. The sun was starting to go down so the sky was painted a baby blue and dark orange, the two colors ombréing perfectly together. A few fluffy, white clouds scatter the sky as well, making the view all the more magical.

I sat down on one of the swings and he gave me a slight push. I smiled at the sentiment and he took a seat in the swing next to me, slightly swinging himself to match my speed.

"So we went to your favorite art gallery in the city, we grabbed disgusting grease-ridden food from that Mexican food truck and we ate ice-cream. Now we're swinging in a park watching the sunset. You can't tell me you didn't have fun, I can practically feel your cheeks burning from how much you've smiled tonight," Dean said cockily and I felt a big, hearty laugh erupt from my belly.

"You're proper full of it, yeah?" I asked with a giggle and he smirked proudly, "Damn straight, England." I groaned dramatically and rolled my eyes at the nickname, "We're back to this again?"

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I grabbed it and seen a text from Skye, "Your sister set up a movie night for everyone, come home, bring Dean. Love you, be careful coming home."

I smiled at the text and looked up at Dean who had a curious glint in his eyes, "What's up?"

"Skye texted me, everyone's about to start movie night at the house and she told me to take our arses there," I said and he chuckled and nodded, standing up. He stuck his hand out to me and I placed my hand in his smooth hand, standing up before we walked back to his car.

"What kind of movies are you into?" He asked once we slipped into the vehicle and I thought for a moment as I blushed, "I'm a sucker for rom-com's."

His signature grin graced his face as he put the car in drive and backed out of the parking lot, "Rom-com's are awesome. Especially the ones with A-"

"Adam Sandler," I finished for him with a giggle, those are my favorites. He nodded, his smile still apparent on his face when I asked, "What about you?"

"I think my favorite is action-adventure movies," he admitted and I nodded as we drove in comfortable silence until we reached my house.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now