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A/N: Was that chapter well needed for a long time coming? I know it was for me! What do you think is going to happen with Salvatore? Please vote and enjoy, pretty bitches! 💋



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Untidy; disordered.

  "Come here," Elliott's voice came out of nowhere and I looked up at him as I tied the robe around me. His finger was pointing to the ground right in front of him and I found myself gravitating towards him; obeying his command. What is it about him that makes me want to do everything he asks? He grabbed my chin in between his fingers and lifted my face up to meet his, "Look at me, Cam."

  I looked into his eyes and his naturally stern face softened at my expense, "Do you regret it? Being with me... in the shower?"

"I... I didn't end things with Salvatore," I whispered as shameful tears filled my eyes and Elliott's face was smacked with realization, "Oh..."

   "I-I need to go back home, figure some things out... I think," I said in a hushed voice and I heard him take a sharp inhale of breath at my confession; I stepped away from him and spun on my heel to walk into my room. I need clothes, maybe I still have some in my closet. I walked over to the door and opened it as I walked inside and found my favorite pair of knee-high socks that I accidentally left. I put a pair of panties on, put my socks on, a pair of my shorts after that, and a really loose t-shirt since I didn't have a bra here.

  My phone began ringing in the bathroom and Elliott answered it on speakerphone. Who was it? No one has my number anymore.

"Hello?" Elliott's asked and I walked into the bathroom just in time t hear Salvatore respond, "What the fuck? Who is this and why are you answering my girlfriend's phone?" I froze and my eyes widened as Elliott looked at me warily, as if silently asking me what I wanted him to say. I grabbed the phone and began talking to Salv, "H-Hey... sorry, I was busy."

   "Was that Elliott? Have you... been with him this whole time?" He asked softly and I felt regret and shame building up in my stomach. Why am I so impulsive and gross? "Salvatore-"

  "Meet me at the hotel please?" He asked and I sighed in defeat, nodding. That's the least I could do for betraying his trust. "Yeah, I'll head there now." I hung up the phone and glanced at Elliott who was nodding, "Want me to drive you?"

"No... I think that would make things worse. I'm going to the hotel up the road and then I'll be back for a little bit. Okay? I'm coming back, I promise," I reassured him and he sighed a breath of relief, nodding as I went to go get dressed warmer. Elliott reached me and wrapped his arms around me tightly, as if he didn't believe I would come back, "I love you, Cam."

 "I love you, Elliott. I'm coming back."


   "Hey," Salvatore greeted me with a soft smile and I pulled the jacket around me tighter. It smelled just like Oliver's cologne and I feel like I need to clarify that it's his and not Elliott's, "This isn't Elliott's... in case you were wondering." He nodded and shuffled his feet awkwardly against the gravel and I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, "Salvatore, I'm sorry-"

  "Don't be, Cammie... You warned me before we even got together that you still had strong feelings for him and didn't want to hurt me. I'm the fool who just couldn't see how strong those feelings really were. I think I came in your life to be your friend, not your significant other," he chuckled and I smiled softly at him, "Still... I shouldn't have been with him while I was with you. It's not fair and it's not right. I'm really sorry about everything."

"You're a fucking whore who needs to be taught a lesson. You cheat on me with Elliott fucking King? The Russian mafia leader? Pathetic," he snarled and my eyebrows furrowed, only for him to raise his hand and punch the side of my face. I felt a stinging pain as I fell to the ground in shock.

   "Salvatore!" I exasperated as he kicked me in the ribs. I cried out in pain as he grabbed the back of my head and slammed it into the gravel underneath me, causing my vision to swirl with black spots until I eventually allowed myself to succumb into the darkness begging to wrap me in its arms.


  I groaned as I raised my head up, relaying the bad dream about Salvatore in my head over and over. My neck hurts and my head is pounding. I blinked a few times as my vision tried to adjust to the unknown place I was currently in. My eyebrows scrunched together as I realized I was sitting upright in a hard chair. I went to raise my hand to my head, but I couldn't. I was restrained.

"What the-" I whispered as I tried to yank my arms and couldn't. They were tied behind me and every time I yanked on them, restraints dug into my wrists, causing the flesh to rub raw. My ankles were bound to the chair as well and I began to panic. My breathing automatically became uneven as my chest heaved up and down. I was slowly becoming lightheaded and my fingertips tingled as I panicked.

   "H-Hello?" I called out, my voice hoarse. How long have I been out? What happened? What's going on, where am I? I want Elliott, where's Elliott?

  "A-Anybody?" I called out as my breath shuddered from fear and the heat. It's so hot in here, I'm sweating profusely. I looked down at myself and only then realized I was almost nude. I had a shirt and panties on but I don't recognize the clothes.

I heard a very loud, very obnoxious creaking sound coming from behind me and I tried to turn my head to look, but the muscles in my neck were too tight to turn that far around. I whimpered in fear as sweat beaded on my forehead, someone's footsteps appearing behind me until the person dipped down in front of me. The hooded figure pulled the hood off of their head and I realized it was Salvatore. My eyebrows furrowed as I pulled at my restraints again, "Salvatore? What's happening? Help me, please."

   "No can do, babe."

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now