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A/N: Plot twist, it's not Scout or Elliott, it's Ryan! What do we think he wants and how did he find her? Vote and enjoy, babies! 💋



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Tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely.

  "Salv? Are you busy?" I asked in a hushed whisper over the phone as I locked the dressing door room behind me, changing out of Elise's clothes and into my own.

 "I just got off of work, are you alright?" His voice came back over the phone just as I had slipped my shirt on, "No, can you please pick me up?"

 "I'm on my way, do you need me to stay on the phone with you?" He asked, shuffling came from the background of his side of the phone. Just as I was about to reply, a loud knock came from the other side of my door and I involuntarily yelped, dropping my phone in the process.

 "W-Who is it?" I shakily asked and heard a mumbled response over the phone as the doorknob jiggled. I had a sick feeling in my stomach that it was either Ryan or his companions so I began desperately searching for a way out of this huge dressing room. I grabbed my phone and threw my Vans on my feet before locking eyes onto the clothes rack in the corner of the room. The knocking on the door grew louder and more persistent as I moved the clothes rack and realized it was a fire emergency exit.

  This is definitely an emergency. Go back to my old life where I was living in a mafia world and life meant little to those behind the gun or continue my life here as a model for my friend Elise and living in a nice penthouse with my other friend Salv feeding me entertainment almost every day when he left his own house? I choose this life.

 I raced to the door and opened it, closing it quickly and quietly as I put the phone back up to my ear. Salvatore's voice flooded in my ear immediately, "Cammie! I'm here, are you okay?"

 "I'm okay," I whispered as I hurried down the multiple flights of stairs, "Someone I didn't want to see came to Elise's flat... I had to use the emergency exit."

 I heard him sigh a breath of relief on his end, "I'm glad you're okay. I'm in front of the building, okay? I'll come to the emergency exit." I muttered a yes before hanging up and finally reaching the exit to the building itself. I controlled my panicked breathing and flung the door open, only to be faced with Ryan. My breath hitched in my throat as his eyes fixated on me, he grabbed my arm and pulled me outside into New York's crisp, cold air. I shivered as I had forgotten my jacket today and kept quiet, waiting for him to speak.

 "You left... why?" He asked, genuinely concerned and I scoffed, "Ryan you know why I left. I left the letter explaining."

 "None of us got a letter, we were worried sick, Cameron," his voice said, sadness glazing over his eyes and I tried not to look too long at him. I would fall back into this 'let's bring Cameron home' trick. "I left a letter on the pillow of the guest room. I couldn't be there anymore, Ry. I had to start over, you know that." I said quietly, looking at my feet.

  "Elliott's a mess. He sent me looking for you, Scout understands though. Danny won't talk to anyone besides Oliver. Elliott hasn't eaten, Cam, please come home," Ry pleaded just as I heard someone walking behind me. My gut clenched from guilt at the knowledge of Elliott's state and I felt my eyes water. I love Elliott with everything in me, still, but I can't go back.

 "Everything okay here?" I heard Salv's voice ask and Ryan tensed up, "Who are you?"

 "I could ask the same of you, man," Salvatore said and I stepped to the side as the two men puffed their chests out. I noticed the gun in the back of Ryan's pants and nervously laughed, "Someone from my past, Salvatore, let's go."

 "Cameron, please," Ry's pleading voice came from behind us and I tensed. All I can think about is Elliott, no matter how hard I try to force his face from my mind. I slowly turned around and felt Salv's hand on my back, he's confused.

 "Ryan... I can't," my voice broke and he shook his head, "He's lost. We're all scared he's going to blow up and do things... that he can't take back. You changed your number and he broke down... we've never seen him so heartbroken, Cam, we don't know what to do."

 "I love him, Ry, you know I do and it absolutely killed me to walk away from that, but I had to start over and choose myself. I made a life for me here, Ry. I have a good job, I have friends, my own place. I'm happy... I love him but I can't. Maybe one day I'll go back when I'm stable, but for now, I can't," I explained as tears rolled down my cheeks. I wiped them with the back of my sleeve and sniffled as he nodded and walked towards me, hugging me close to him.

 "We all miss you, Cammie, I'm proud of you and wish you nothing but the best," he whispered into my neck and I smiled slightly, sniffling into his hug. He chuckled and let go of me, wiping my tears on his jacket sleeve, smiling.

 "I guess I'll see you around, Moore," he said and I nodded, "Ry? Do me a favor?"

 His eyebrows raised, waiting for me to tell him the favor I want to ask of him and I sighed, "Tell Elliott you couldn't find me."

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now