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A/N: I'm not ready, I'm not ready, I'm not ready!!!! Please vote and enjoy, babies! 💋



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Characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness.

His eyes lifted to meet mine as I sat upon his lap. He scanned my body and roamed it with his hands. I rolled my hips again as he grabbed my thighs and squeezed tightly. His eyes screwed shut; he's trying to not force me. He doesn't know if I'm ready. I admire him for that, but I'm so sure that I'm ready. He's the one, he knows how to handle me, he knows my triggers and what makes me happy. He knows me better than I know myself sometimes.

I leaned down to his ear, kissing the skin under it and making him shiver under my touch, "Take me, Elliott, please..."

That's all that needed to be said. He gripped my hips as he stood us up and carried me upstairs to our room. I wrapped my arms around his neck, anticipation crawling in my bones. I so desperately wanted to clench my thighs together to relieve some tension but I can't since he's carrying me. I whimpered as it took too long and eventually we were in the room. The door closed behind him and he placed me on the bed. He walked over to the bed and grabbed a match out from the table.

The aching pulse between my thighs caused me to whimper and I squeezed them together, hard. He glanced over at me and smirked as he lit the match and placed it in the fireplace. The fireplace sparked up immediately, setting an orange hue on my body as I laid waiting. His dark, lust-filled eyes scanned my body and his tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip. The way he was looking at me was enough to make me climax right then and there, but no. I want him to touch me. I want him to kiss me. I want him inside of me and I want him to love me.

"You're so goddamned stunning, Cameron," he whispered out and I felt a blush grace my face. I bit my lip as my thighs continued to squeeze together.

He walked over to me and climbed onto the bed, hovering over me. His chain dangled slightly as he bent down to kiss me softly. I sighed deeply into the kiss as my hands reached his neck. His hands roamed my torso on top of the shirt until he reached the end. He tugged the shirt's end up a bit and his warm hands burned my flesh. I shivered under his touch as he slid his fingers just below my breasts. He teased the skin around them as he slipped his tongue in my mouth. My breathing became unsteady and he used his knee to pry my thighs apart.

I gasped once he succeeded and his teeth tugged my bottom lip. He smirked against my skin in triumph as he began to kiss down towards my jawline, "What's a matter, eager?"

I felt my face turn hot once again as his hot, open-mouthed kisses littered my neck and sucked gently. My hands fisted the comforter beside my head as his hands slowly made their way to my breasts. He sucked in a breath as he traced the skin around my nipples. I shivered at his teasing touch, but he instead ripped my shirt off of me and threw it to the other side of the room. A low growl erupted from his plump lips as his eyes fixated on my bare chest. My large, slightly tanned breasts were on display and he slowly bent down to kiss around them.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now