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A/N: What do we think of Salvatore so far? What do we think of Cameron's new life? Vote and enjoy, you gorgeous people! 💋



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I woke up with a slight headache and tried to remember the events from last night. I groaned as I sat up in my bed, surrounded by light purple silky sheets and comforter. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as the harsh sun rays from my windows the length of my wall allowed to pour in. I kicked my feet over to stand up when my foot touched something. I glanced down and realized that a girl was laying in a pallet on the floor next to my bed. What the hell?

I snickered as I remembered getting tipsy with Salvatore and him dragging me off to a nightclub where we met a nice mystery woman and ended up so drunk that the three of us decided to come back to the closest place; mine. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at me with a grin, "Bonjour, magnifique." Now that French accent I definitely do not remember...

"Good morning... I'm sorry, I don't recall your name," I muttered sheepishly as she rose up and stretched her arms, "Elise Lavigne, yours?"

I smiled softly as I reached out my hand and she shook it, "Cameron Moore, nice to properly and soberly meet you."

We both shared a small giggle as we stood up from our places of sleep. She was wearing the same beautiful black dress she was wearing the night before and so was I.

"Thanks for giving me a place to crash, I don't know if I would've made it home last night," she chuckled and I smiled, "We're about the same size if you want to shower and borrow an outfit of mine?" She nodded and looked relieved at the same time. I walked towards my closet and motioned for her to choose whatever she'd like before walking out of my bedroom and towards the laundry room. I grabbed a casual outfit that I had washed from the store; A pair of high-waisted dark blue jeans, a fitted black crop-top, and a flannel that I kept unbuttoned to keep my arms from getting cold. I slipped on some black ankle socks and walked out of the laundry room.

I heard the sound of cooking coming from the kitchen so once I rounded the corner into the kitchen and seen Salvatore flipping pieces of bacon, it made me think of Elliott and how he'd cook for me. I closed my eyes and tried to rid my mind of my past, reminding me that I needed to change my number considering the number of voicemails and text messages I had been receiving. I shook the thought of him from my mind and breathed in deeply, "Smells amazing in here, Salv!"

He grinned at me, "I couldn't let you ladies' tummies be empty, now could I?"

I rolled my eyes playfully and he pointed to the coffee pot, "Fresh."

I thanked him dramatically as I poured my a mug full of it, putting two creamers and three sugars in it. I stirred it quickly and sipped it, careful not to melt my tastebuds from my tongue. I loaded the dishes that Salvatore dirtied up into the dishwasher and handed him a glass of orange juice, "I will return for breakfast, I need to look in the paper for a job around this big city."

"Did I just hear you say you needed a job?" Elise's voice came from behind me as she towel-dried her long, dark brown hair. I nodded and she grinned, "Convenient considering I just happen to be a well-known fashion designer in need of a right-hand model."

"Right-hand model? You're a fashion designer?" I asked confusedly and she nodded as she walked over to the couch in the living room towards her purse that I hadn't noticed until now. She pulled some business cards from her purse and a piece of paper then walked over to me. We sat on the barstools in front of the counter as she passed the business cards to me- four of them.

"This business card is for the company as a whole, Bonjour, Lavigne. This one right here," she pointed to the one next to the first card, "This is my swimwear and lingerie section, Lavigne Lavish. The third card represents my clothes, normal, petite, plus size, all the works. Lavigne Voluptuous. And lastly, the last card represents my fragrance line which is going to eventually produce makeup and accessories as well. It's my Lavigne Glamour line."

My mouth was held agape as she opened her phone and showed me bits of each line. It was truly beautiful. She then popped up her website and all other credentials to prove that she was who she said she is. Once she finished, she looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"Why me? I'm not model material, Elise," I said softly, confused. She scoffed dramatically and rolled her eyes, "I don't know who put those thoughts in your gorgeous little head, but they should be ashamed. Honey, you are beautiful, parfait!" I felt the deep blush spread from my neck up to my cheeks at her sweet compliment.

"I'm ordinary, Elise. This is New York, there's no way I can fit in with the size zero, tall, long-legged beauties here," I argued and she chuckled, "Size zero is out nowadays. It's trending with Victoria Secret but hardly anywhere else. You're an average-sized woman all around. Height and weight. Your beauty is impeccable and the way you carry yourself is admirable. So what do you say?" I guess I should take any opportunity that comes my way, right? I came here for a different life, completely different from how I used to live it. I no longer need to be burdened by what happened in England nor what happened when I lived with Scout. I no longer need to be burdened by my love and infatuation for Elliott, even though I think of him every waking second of every day. Maybe the longer I'm away from him, the more it will seem as if he never happened. As if my love for him was never a thing. Maybe...

I smiled and nodded my head, "I'll try it out." She grinned victoriously and handed me an application with a pen. I wrote my name out and she snatched it from my hands, ripping the application up, "Amazing application! You're hired. Welcome to Bonjour, Lavigne!"

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