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A/N: What do we think about Cameron finally choosing herself? How is Elliott going to feel when Ryan tells him he couldn't find Cameron? I'm excited for these upcoming chapters, guys. Vote and enjoy, shitbrains! 💋



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Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.

I groaned as I lied in bed with my face squished in my pillow, my arms cradling my lower abdomen and my arse in the air. It's been a while since I've had a very bad period but good God, this one is bad. I wined as another cramp came through with a packing power behind it. It's been another week since everything with Ryan went down. I've modeled here and there but it's a 'whenever we need you and you'll get paid regardless' type of job. I love my job and couldn't ask for anything better, my boss included.

My phone lit up with Salvatore's face on the table beside my bed. I groaned since I would have to get uncomfortable just to answer it. I slowly picked the phone up and answered it, waiting for him to talk first.

"Ma ciao, Bellissima!" His voice announced through the phone and I smiled, I've come to learn a little bit of French and Italian due to him and Elise being in my life. (Well, hello, gorgeous!)

"Hey, Salv," I responded and he instantly knew something was wrong, "I'm on my way to pick up Elise, we're coming over tonight. Wanna tell me what's wrong before I get there?"

"Girl... problems," I sighed and he chuckled, "You can tell me you're on your period, Cammie, it's not a bad word." If I wasn't so in love with Elliott still, I would've swooned so hard over the words of this man. I chuckled into the phone and nodded even though he can't see me, "Why are you guys coming over?"

"Because Elise has been buried in work so she needs an out, you're obviously in need of friends, and I need to get the fuck out of my house before I go stir crazy," he said as a matter of fact and I smiled, "Okay, I'll go get a movie or something started before you guys get here. Be careful, Salv."

"I'll be extra careful, only for you," he said with a chuckle and I laughed whilst he hung up the phone.

I climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I opened the cupboard that was filled with medicine and took two Midol tablets to ease my pain. I looked at myself in the full-length mirror on the vanity and sighed at my appearance. I was in shorts and a long-sleeved shirt with no bra underneath. Usually, I would change into a bra since a man is coming over but considering my current state of pain, I don't even care. He's my friend. That's all.

I looked at myself in the mirror once more, just now noticing the dark circles under my eyes due to my lack of sleep since I've moved to New York. I wake just about every night with nightmares. Recurrent nightmares of accidentally killing Mia, Noah killing Valerie and himself right in front of me, Dean overdosed on the floor of Elliott's room, hearing the gunshot that resulted in Andy's death. But considering all that I've endured... the only nightmare that wakes me is the look on Elliott's face once he reads my letter. His heartbroken, devastated face. It haunts me to the point I wake up sweating and crying, allowing me to stay up and ponder if I should just simply message him or call him.

I begin to think about Elliott and how he is feeling right now. Is he still heartbroken over my absence? Has he moved onto another woman? The thought of him moving on brings a pain to my chest and tears to my eyes. Did I make a mistake by leaving? I should just call him and let him know that I'm safe...

"We're here!" I was brought out from my thoughts by the sound of Elise's voice filling my flat. I coughed awkwardly and threw on my floor-length baby pink robe. I exited my bathroom and threw my hair up into a messy bun, wiping the tears from my face before they saw my pathetic state.

"Hey," I coughed because my voice was shaky, "Sorry I didn't have time to put a movie on."

"No worries, babe, we brought alcohol and ice cream... movies too. Movie Marathon tonight," she said excitedly as she disappeared into the living room. Salvatore's eyes scanned my face, "You were crying, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just cramps," I lied as I gave him a thin smile and he shook his head as he put the groceries on the counter and walked up to me, "I'm not buying that. What happened, Cammie?"

"It's nothing, Salv, I'm okay," I reassured him and he pulled me into a hug, "I'm here for you, you know? You can tell me anything."

I nodded and pulled away. The thought of hugging another man besides Elliott makes me queasy. Why am I still hung up over him? I need to get him out of my head! Just as I was about to lecture myself internally, Elise exited the living room to get our attention, "Alright, drinks are set up and the movie is rolling. Salv, be a dear and grab the ice cream and some spoons, would you?"

He nodded and I followed her into the living room, sitting in my chair, reclined and drinking the mixed drink Elise handed me. It tasted sweet and of cherries, instantly making me remember her middle name which stands for cherry. I smirked, it must be her signature drink for that reason alone anyways. Salv came back with ice cream, one Ben and Jerry's cup of ice cream for all of us. Elise got cherry ice cream, Salv got rocky road, and I got peanut butter chunks. I love peanut butter and I instantly dug in.

Soon, the movie was over, I was drunk and filled up on ice cream. Elise and Salvatore were the same way. They were currently in a deep conversation on which is scarier, the deep sea or outer space. I definitely think the deep sea is scarier. I shouldn't have gotten drunk. I'm easily swayed to my more prominent emotion of the day when drunk, which happens to be sad today. Sad about Elliott. Wanting to text him.

"You ok...ay, babe?" Elise slurred and I nodded with a fake smile, "I'm going to m...ake some more drinks, you guys w-want some?"

They both snickered and nodded at my drunken state as I stumbled out of my chair and into the kitchen. I grabbed my phone out and dialed the number I knew I would completely regret in the morning once sober.

I dialed Elliott's number.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now