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A/N: Cameron has a job and two new friends, how are we doing? What do we think of her constant thoughts of El? Do you think she'll let him go and live out her new life or always be burdened with that love and care for him? Vote and Enjoy, shitheads! 💋



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Very happy, animated, or elated.

"This one, get dressed! No bra, wear these pads." Elise winked as she handed me a mustard yellow piece of fabric and nipple pads.

I sighed and walked into the dressing room as multiple models zipped in and out of others. Every model looked completely different from each other and I admire Elise for that. Some models were super thin, some models were super curvy, some models were in between like me. Some models were very tall, some models were short, some models were in between like me. Some models were dark-skinned, some were Latina, some were Asian, some were caucasian, some were Arab, some were mixed like me, etc.

It's been a week since Elise gave me the job and I've been to so many photoshoots already that it makes my head spin. I quickly peeled off my clothes except for my panties and stuck the nipple pads where they go. I shimmied into the very soft dress and fixed the arms before asking one of my fellow models to zip me up. She smiled and zipped me up quickly and I returned the favor on her dress. The front of the dress dipped down so low that a mass amount of my cleavage showed, but was to tight and pressed down that I'm one-hundred percent sure that my breasts won't fall out.

The sleeved were off-the-shoulder and wrapped around in a nice manner, coming to a tied finish around my waist. The skirt part of the dress was smooth and soft, stopping at about three inches below my knee. One of Elise's assistance's handed me a pair of pointed-toe, nude-colored heels, a copper-colored necklace, and a matching bracelet. I grabbed the small purse to model with and sat in the stylist's seat. She poofed my curls and picked through them, allowing more volume. A man came over to me and began painting a nude color of lipstick on my lips. He then brushed a light coat of a nude blush over my cheeks, an illuminator to my cheekbones, and mascara onto my lashes. I thanked him properly and hurried to my set.

"Fantastic, yes! You are exactly what we needed," Elise gushed as she sat me on the barstool in front of the red background. I smiled and posed exactly as she motioned for me to do and the photographer acted accordingly, taking pictures as I continuously moved different angles.

"Perfect, last outfit for the day," Elise said as she handed me a black bag guarded.

I nodded and quickly walked to the bathroom as fast as I could in heels. I unzipped the bag and shimmied into the jeans after slipping my dress off and my bra back on. I love the way they feel, they hug my body. I threw on the black crop top with big sleeves that cuffed at the wrists in a snug way. I slipped on a Gucci belt and took my accessories off from the last outfit. I put on a tiny silver necklace and my silver rings, then the white open-toed heels.

"Moore, set one needs you!" One of the models said whilst knocking lightly against the dressing room door. I opened it and smiled at her, "Thank you, Anabelle." She nodded curtly and I rushed to set one as requested.

Upon arrival, the photographer rushed me into positons like they were in a hurry. In the back, I could see Elise running around like a madman yelling at people through the phone and in person.

"Pay attention, Ms. Moore, it will only take a few minutes," the photographer said nicely and I nodded after muttering a sorry to him. I did all of my positions the way I was supposed to and he finally turned off the lights and his camera. I walked away from the set and towards Elise where she was still arguing on the phone. I put a hand on her shoulder to bring her back to reality, it's not like her to argue with people unless she's bloody mad.

"My point stands, sir, you cannot come and visit my models unless you tell me your name and they verify that they know you. It's confidential, point blank," she sighed frustratedly. My eyebrows connected as I heard a mumble on the other end of the phone, "I'm coming up anyways."

"Sir, if you come up after we have already discussed the fact that you are not allowed, I will be forced to take serious action," Elise said angrily, her hand on her hip. She hung up the phone and stalked off towards the entrance. I followed her in case the person trying to come through the door is dangerous and she needs help. We heard the elevator gears turn, indicating that someone was indeed trying to come up to our floor. She tensed and walked over to the little table next to the elevator and opened the drawer. Two handguns sat in there and she grabbed one, handing it to me.

"Just in case you also need to protect yourself," she said quietly and I nodded, grabbing it without a hint of nervousness. "Why is that person so hellbent on coming up here?" I asked and she cringed her nose, "Some of the girls have really sketchy boyfriends, not sure why." I nodded in understanding and the elevator door dinged, then the doors opened slowly and the person stepped out.

My heart dropped to my stomach as Ryan walked out, his head turned the opposite direction. I darted before he turned around and rushed straight to the dressing room. How did he find me?

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now