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A/N: She's by herself and high off of that joint, what do you think is going to happen? Stay tuned! Please vote and enjoy, motherfuckers!💋

A/N: She's by herself and high off of that joint, what do you think is going to happen? Stay tuned! Please vote and enjoy, motherfuckers!💋~*~

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A person who saves someone or something (especially a country or cause) from danger, and who is regarded with the veneration of a religious person.

I spotted Oliver about fifty feet away from me buying a lemonade, he was walking with a girl I didn't recognize so I decided to not bug him. I don't want to mess up his 'game', as he likes to call it. I laugh to myself and then trip over my feet. I felt my skin begin to have a hot flash. I rolled the sleeves of my sweater up on my arms, but it didn't help. Jesus Christ, did Mother Nature turn the oven on? It feels as if it's ninety degrees right now.

My vision blurred and now I'm positive that it's because I drank alcohol and smoked a spliff, they're probably counteracting with each other. I walked against a food booth and grabbed onto the edge of it. My breathing was quickening and it felt like I was on a trip.

What the bloody hell is happening right now? Voices from the people at the fair all are echoing throughout my head, my vision is swaying back and forth. My heart was racing, begging to leap from my ribcage. I'm so scared, what's happening to me? I walked to the fence and grabbed it as hot tears poured down my cheeks. I fell to the ground in a puddle of mush, I can't even stand up anymore. I tried to call for help but it was like my mouth was sewn shut.

A gurgled cry came from my throat as I saw a blurry man crouch down to my level. I blinked a few times and Elliott's distorted face came into view, "E..Ell-..."

"Fuck, fuck, Cameron, what did you take? Babe, tell me what you took so I know what's going on," His distorted voice bled through my ears as I choked on a sob. My muscles were hot and unable to move, I'm terrified right now. Am I going to die?

"Cam, sweetheart, look at me," His deep, leathery and distorted voice demanded. I looked at him as another choked sob erupted from my mouth. I can't feel anything, the skin all over my body is tingling and I feel sweat pouring from ever gland known to man. I don't even feel myself crying anymore. It's like I can't move, I can't feel, I can't talk. I'm numb.

"Sweetheart, I'm going to pick you up, okay?" He asked gently and I whimpered. His distorted face winced at the sound I made and he hooked an arm under my knees as well as an arm around my back. I was limp in his arms yet he carried me as if I was as light as a feather.


I don't know when I blacked out, all I know is I woke up in Elliott's arms. We were laying on my bed, I was dressed in short shorts and a tank top, a way different outfit from what I remember being dressed in. Oh my God, did Elliott see me naked? Oh no, no, no, no!

My mouth felt so dry, I couldn't even swallow without feeling like my throat was closing in. My head is pounding so hard right now that I feel like my brain may very well melt out of my ears.

I tried to raise up but I felt something wet on my forehead. I raised my hand and noticed a cold, wet rag. "How are you feeling?" That familiar deep voice asked and I raised up slowly. Elliott's arms immediately went to my arms as he helped me raise up. He moved to sit in front of me as I grasped my head in pain, "What happened?"

"I took you to the hospital even though I knew what happened. Someone slipped you a date-rape drug. Did you ever isolate your drink?" He asked, his face and voice filled with concern it was adorable. I thought for a moment before nodding sheepishly, "Yeah... I did... I didn't know, I'm so sorr-"

"Cameron, don't apologize. You didn't know any better. Just for future reference, please don't ever again drink from a cup you've left alone. Even if it's for thirty seconds, okay? You scared the shit out of me," he said and I nodded as tears welled up in my eyes, "I don't want to go through that again, that was so terrifying."

I felt a tear slip from the corner of my eye and he pulled me onto his lap, stroking my hair to calm me down as I cried. What I can remember is how completely useless I felt. I couldn't move, my heart wouldn't stop racing, I couldn't stop sweating. It reminded me of back in England, how useless I felt. It's bringing back so many memories.

The memories of the fire, what caused the fire, what happened before and after the fire. Completely useless is exactly how I felt. That's one of the two reasons why I really hope Elliott wasn't the person to change me; because my back has a really ugly burn scar that's three times darker than my actual skin tone. The scar not only looks disgusting, but it feels disgusting. I'm reliving the memories over and over in my brain, and it's making me cry even harder. Elliott probably thinks I'm overreacting, I wouldn't blame him.

If I wasn't me, I'd think I was overreacting as well. He's being so gentle though, more gentle than anyone has ever been in my entire life. He's not even questioning me or trying to make me talk to him. He's letting me get it all out, just like I need. He'll never know how grateful I am for that.

I could barely hear my bedroom door opening over the sounds of me crying and Elliott whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I heard him conversing with another male voice but that's the last thing I heard before falling asleep soundly on Elliott's chest.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now