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It was a quiet night when the city guards were called into a murder that happened at the port. They came to the scene as soon as the call ended because they already knew the culprit of the crime. After they secured the perimeter, they searched around finding any trails that the killer left behind. 

"Hey, did you guys find anything on your end?" a city guard hollered at his comrades at the other end of the port. 

"Nothing over here, you guys?" another city guard hollered back. 

"No, not on our end either." They replied. 

The guard that hollered out earlier let out a sigh of frustration. Soon after he heard footsteps behind him. "Find anything gentlemen?" someone with a husky voice asked them. He turned around to see Colonel Roy and his mysterious assistant who had herself shrouded in her cloak. 

"Colonel Roy, we weren't expecting the Seraphim military officer to come for a simple murder scene," one of the city guards said, and that raised the Colonel's eyebrow. 

"This isn't just a simple murder. These murders have been happening all over Seraphim in the exact same way. They always happen at a dock, it's always been someone young, and the way they killer leaves the bodies is like they toyed with them before they killed them. Therefore, this should be a prior investigation." 

"And they never leave any mark of themselves behind." Another guard commented. 

"That's where you're wrong," Colonel Roy said, "Cher." The Colonel snapped his fingers and Cher responded by jumping into the air and started scanning the entire dock they were on. She then found something just a couple feet from where everyone was standing. Cher floated back down and directed the Colonel to where she saw it. It was a streak of blood that was smeared the corner of a crate. This blood was different than the blood that was surrounded by the victim. This blood was blue. 

"Blue blood?" a guard questioned as he walked over to the crate to examine the blood. The moment he touched the blood it jumped and started to spread around his hand. "AH BY THE HOLY FIVE THIS BURNS!" he screamed in agony. 

"Cher, hold the man down." Colonel Roy commanded. Without hesitation, Cher dashed at the man and restrained him. The Colonel drew out his sword, swung it up high, and said: "Forgive me." 

In an instant, he sliced off the guard's hand and it dropped on the floor and began to squirm. He looked at Cher, and she jumped at the hand and captured it in a glass jar that was hidden under her cloak and locked it. Cher looked closer at the hand and noticed there were blue veins sticking out from where the Colonel had cut. Out of fright, she quickly hid it under her cloak. Colonel Roy looked at the stunned men around them and said, "Take this man to the ambulance and take care of him, the rest of clean up the crime scene and have everyone move out." The men did as he said then he and Cher proceeded to their vehicle. With the glass jar in Cher's hands, they went to the back of their car and opened the trunk to contact HQ. With the transponder crystal given to him by HQ, he used his magic to make the call. 

A blurry hologram popped up displaying the general. "Address yourselves," a voice came through. 

"This is Colonel Roy Auburn and Cher reporting in," Colonel Roy replied. The hologram got clearer revealing the general to them. 

"This is General Meredith, report in Colonel Roy," she spoke with a clear-cut voice. 

"Yes ma'am, once we heard the call we came as soon as the guards secured the perimeter. This scene was just like all the others except Cher found something that was curious, blue blood." 

"Blue blood? None of the races of Seraphim bleed blue." The General thought to herself. 

"But that's not all ma'am, one of the guards got too close to the blue blood and it infected his hand. We cut it off and captured the infected hand in a jar. You may want to see it, ma'am." The Colonel looked at Cher, and she lifted the jar to show the General. The hand was squirming around trying to get out of the jar. 

"Hmm blue blood that infects and takes over the parts that it infects. Send it back to us in Cherubim and I'll have our scientists study it and figure out the origins of this blue blood." 

"May I hypothesis on a possibility?" the Colonel asked which surprised General Meredith. 

"What is it, Colonel?" 

"Now I'm not a historian, but don't the scriptures say that the Archangels bleed blue? And if I'm correct, then does that mean the Archangels have somehow gotten into Seraphim?" Colonel Roy suggested, and General Meredith thought to herself for a moment. 

"If it is a possibility, then we must report this to King Alistaire, but for now send that jar to us and go to the next location where the killer may strike, you may prove your hypothesis there Colonel Roy." 

"Right ma'am will do, we're signing out now." Colonel Roy nodded and turned off the screen, he then turned to Cher who also nodded. She looked at the jar and made it float and with a flash of light the jar disappeared, teleporting all the way back to HQ in Cherubim. Once she had done that, her and Colonel Roy got back into their vehicle and started it up. "Alright, the closest port that the killer might be in is in the town of Rocksteady, isn't that your hometown Cher?" 

Cher didn't respond, but it was her hometown. She doesn't remember much about it, but she clearly remembers a boy that lives there. "James..." 

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