Chapter 17 Shadow vs. Sadness

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Soon after, it was time for the second match, and it was my turn against Samuel. We stared at each other, us standing in the center of the arena, as the crowd around us cheered for me, though I was paying attention to him only. I needed to focus on the fight so I can beat Leala. 

I know what his magic is, and I can easily beat him without showing my emotions. I'm sorry, Julia, but you cannot. The one you'll need is Amy, who isn't here, said Maya. 

Who cares Maya, let me at him! He won't know what hit him, Ester exclaimed. 

"No, I'm not gonna let you fight him," I spoke out loud, but Samuel was unfazed. 

"You're talking to your emotional foci? Tell it that it won't have the chance to come out as soon as the match starts." Samuel taunted with a gloomy voice. 

That gloomy bitch has three seconds before I come out and rip his balls off, Ester sneered. 

For once, I agree with Ester, Maya said. 

"Ester! Maya!" I snapped, and then Alice finally came out. 

"It's time for the second match of the semi-finals, and it looks like these two are ready for a fight. Alright, you two head to your sides and wait for my mark." Alice announced. We walked to our sides and waited. "Ready, and...BEGIN!!"

Let me fight him, Julia! Ester whined. 

"No, Ester, you're not fit to fight him. Who I need right now is Amy, and she's not here right now," I shouted as I hurled a soul orb at Samuel, but he swallowed it. It then exploded inside him but had no effect on his body. 

"So, you have two emotional foci, and you're not letting either of them out. Well, this is going to be an easy fight." Samuel raised his hand to let the manifestation of his shadow come out from the ground. "Attack." 

The shadow charged forward and slammed its body where I stood, but I was able to dodge it. Swinging my left hand at the shadow, I brought out my purple smoke, but my hand went right through it. I was caught off guard as the shadow twisted back and knocked me off my feet. 

Damn, I was hoping that would work. Amy, I need you right now. 

Amy isn't coming, and we're not doing so good. Let me out so we can fight on even ground, at least! Ester begged. 

"No! I need to make sure that I'm gonna graduate with James, Ester!" I ran towards Samuel, but his shadow blocked the way and sent me crashing into the wall this time. 

"If you're not letting your emotions come out, then what kind of a Soul Mage are you? Your family must be so proud of you right now." He taunted, and that one got to me. 

"You don't talk about my family like that!" I busted out of the wall and punched Samuel square in the face and sent him flying towards the wall. 

I could feel the anger boiling inside me, slowly creeping out, which meant that Ester would come out. I quickly calmed myself down and looked over at where Samuel was still embedded. 

That was too close. I can't let my emotions run me; I need to be in control. 

Aw, man, I just finished stretching too. So, since I know I won't be coming out and Amy still isn't here, what are we going to do, Julia?  

"I'll fight until she gets here. She's the only emotion that can beat Samuel, so I'll endure it till then." I got ready for my next attack and waited.

In James' waiting room...

I watched as Julia fought and kept her distance from her opponent, which would be a weird strategy for most, but she had a reason for doing it. 

They're not with her right now. Where could they be at a time like this? 

"This is different than when I saw her last fight. What is she doing, James?" Jackal tilted his head in curiosity. 

"Well, I guess it's my turn to explain. As you know, Soul Mages use their emotions and very soul as their way to fight. And sometimes, rarely actually, they'll have more than one emotion by their side." 

"Yeah, I heard that it's rare for them to more than two by their side," Jackal added, and I nodded. 

"That's true, and would you believe me when I say that she has four emotions by her side?" I looked at him as he gave me a highbrow look. 

"Four?! That's unspeakable, James! How is she able to control all of them?" 

"You're about to see." I pointed to the screen as I saw Julia remove her hair tie, letting her hair loose, which meant she finally came.

Back on the arena...

Amy, where in the name of the Five, were you? I asked, annoyed as I took off my hair tie. 

I-I'm sorry, Julia; Emma took l-l-longer than expected to get us back, Amy stuttered. 

I thought you would be done with the tournament by now! Haha, my bad! Emma laughed off.

Can it, Emma! Thanks to you, Julia has been getting badly beaten. Now hurry up Amy, so we get this done and over with! Ester scolded. 

Yes, Amy, please let's finish this fight, Maya exclaimed. 

"Alright, everyone, I'll get this fight over with." The tone of my voice sounded more somber, and my hair covered most of my face except for one eye. "I'm Julia's emotion of sadness, Amy. This fight ends here." 

"So, she finally let's one of you take control, hm? Well, it's too late. I'm about to end it here!" Samuel pointed at Amy, and his shadow sprung up in front of her and slammed its hands down on her. The impact of the attack caused the floor around them to crack, and when the dust cleared, everyone was shocked to see Amy perfectly fine. She has the ability to phase through physical and magical attacks like a ghost, so the shadow's hands were currently going through her, herself unscathed. 

"That almost hurt. I can't believe you tried to hurt me," Amy said. 

"What, how did that attack not hurt you?" 

"Shadow Mages all have one thing in common," Amy said as she grabbed the shadow and sent a soul ripple through it, reaching Samuel. "They must use emotion to create and manipulate their shadow, and your emotion is sadness. Since I'm Julia's sadness, I can harm you like so." Amy tightened her grip that made the ripple go faster and into Samuel, shocking and burning him. 

"Stop, it hurts!" Samuel pleaded. 

"Then, say you give up." 

"Give up! I give up!" 

When he said that, Amy stopped the ripples, and he dropped to his knees, panting. Alice came down along with some nurses and raised Amy's hand. "The winner of the second match and making it to the finals is Julia!" 

Thank you, Amy, you can rest up. We'll all need it for the fight against Leala. 

"Okay, Julia." Amy switched back with me, and my hair was braided back to how I liked it. "Now it's your turn, James. Make it to the finals."

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