Chapter 38 James' Control

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Just outside of Franco's mansion King Alistaire's and his entourage had arrived to see the aftermath of James' spell. Accompanying him was General Meredith, her two subjects, Colonel Roy, and some of his best soldiers. They all couldn't believe what they were seeing. The outside of the mansion looked like it was a shuffled Rubik's cube. Rooms that should be in the inside were now in front of the house, and there was no front door to be seen. They all didn't know what to make of the sight except for the General and her subjects. 

"This is Franco's home, correct, your majesty?" Colonel Roy asked in shock. 

"He hasn't moved since we were kids, his house, but something happened," the king responded. 

"Could this be responsible for the small tremor that we felt on the way here?" One of the soldiers asked, and everyone began to ask questions. 

King Alistaire couldn't help but feel uneasy about this; something wasn't right. What were you doing, Frankie? 

"Whoever did this must have incredible magical power." General Meredith walked up to the wall and touched it. "I can still feel their energy in the walls, which means they're possibly still here." 

"My sensors detect one life form just behind the wall, and it's big," Cher said as they suddenly felt a rumble under their feet. The loose rocks around them began to float, and then a horrible wail cried out as it shattered the glass windows of the house around them. 

When the wailing stopped, they heard stomping coming towards them, and something crashed through the front wall. The soldiers reacted quickly as they let down their shields to block the flying rubble coming towards them. 

"What's going on?!" 

"It doesn't matter. Protect the king!" 

"General Meredith's still up front! She'll get hit by the rubble!" 

"Hold the line, everyone! Cher, what do you see?" Colonel Roy looked over at Cher, and she began scanning the cloud of dust. 

"I see nothing...wait, I found something." Cher activated her boosters and used them to blow the dust away. Once it was cleared away, everyone saw what came through the wall. It was a hideous stone creature breathing heavily as if it was struggling. It moved its red eyes towards the group and howled out. 

The creature lunged towards them and cracked the shields of the soldiers. It then looked over at King Alistaire, ready to attack him when Stephen kicked it, sending it back into the mansion. "Gods, that thing is hideous." 

"And extremely hostile. Guard up, Stephen." Cher got her laser cannon out as he got into his fighting stance. 

"Is that another Archangel?" King Alistaire exclaimed, and the two looked at each other. 

"If it is, then we need to terminate it, General's orders," Stephen quickly responded. 

"Copy that." Cher nodded and flew inside the mansion with Stephen behind her. 

"Your Grace, I'd advise we leave immediately and evacuate the entire town," Colonel Roy suggested and began ordering the soldiers to instruct the nobles. 

"We can't leave just yet, Franco is still in there, and General Meredith is somewhere in the rubble." 

"Don't worry about me." The General emerged out of the rubble and dusted herself off. "If an Archangel is responsible for this mess, then it's better left for Cher and Stephen to take care of it. They're the only ones who can kill an Archangel without getting infected." 

King Alistaire looked on through the massive hole in the wall and could see the two fighting the Archangel, and all he could think of was his best friend. 

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