Chapter 14 Soul Remembrance Pt. 2

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Oh no, this is bad. Come on Julia think of something! 

I looked down at my hands and stared at the left one and came up with a plan. Looking back at the pin, it just a couple of feet away, I quickly used all of my strength from both hands and one leg and I got myself high enough to jump over the pin. With my left hand, I punched down on the pin to destroy it, and it worked. When I got back down, I went back to heal my leg. 

I just need a couple of more seconds, and I'll be able to stand up again. Come on leg, heal faster! 

I could sense Abby walk up behind me and stop dead in her tracks, and then I felt nothing further. I needed to hurry up, or else I won't be able to defend herself from the next attack. 

"My friend." Abby looked down at her feet. 

I should've waited to do that when I got my leg healed, oh no here it comes. 

Abby looked up, screaming in agony, and I braced myself for the emotions since I was a Soul Mage. I could feel all of the unrelenting pain that the girl was expressing. This was a term that Soul Mages use called Soul Remembrance, where in the moment of great loss, those who practice Soul Magic can see the entire history of whatever that person held most dear to them as film reels. 

I could see the reels flying past me, and just like a movie, I could see how cherished the doll was to Abby. What I was seeing was sad. Abby's family were doll makers, and when she discovered her magical talents, her parents gave her the doll I destroyed. But then one day there was an accident, and only Abby survived. Alone and scared, her only companion was the doll her parents gave her which became the medium for her magic. She distanced herself from those around her, only talking to her doll as her only companion. 

I stood up and walked over to Abby who was frozen in time. In Soul Remembrance, time stops for everyone except for a Soul Mage. I kneeled down and looked at Abby's hands. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed one of the film reels—the one that displayed the fight we just had. I stuck my arm inside the reel and pulled out the doll and placed it in her hands. I got back up and took a step back as the film reels went back into Abby and time resumed. 

"You destroyed my only friend!" Abby cried out. 

"No, I didn't, look." I pointed down at her hands. She looked down only to see that the doll was completely fine. 

"Nicole! I thought I lost you forever." Abby got up and hugged her doll. "I give up! I'm not about to lose my only friend." 

Alice jumped over to us and lifted my arm up to the sky. "Julia advances to the second round! Give it up for these two and their spectacular displays of their skills." 

The crowd screamed and cheered for us, but my attention was still towards Abby. "Abby, you should try making friends. We're all here for the same goal; to graduate. I'm sure there are those who will gladly open up to you if you try. I'm sorry for destroying Nicole, I didn't realize how important she is to you. So, promise me that you'll try and make some friends. Okay?" 

"I'll...I'll try. Thank you for bringing her back. I know how you did it, but I'm overall grateful for you pulling Nicole out of the film reels and bringing her back to me," Abby said before walking away back to the waiting room. 

I walked back to the waiting room where everyone just looked at me with non-aggressive expressions. 

"You're a tough girl." One of the students told me. 

"So, what they say is true. Head Mistress is your O.T., because otherwise you wouldn't have been able to bring back Abby's doll the way you did," another student said. 

If they only knew who my actual teacher was. Head Mistress was just watching me train. 

"Yes, those rumors are true, so don't think you can underestimate me as Abby did," I told all of them, and they slightly backed away from me. Once everyone looked away, I sat down and took a deep breath. 

A couple more fights, and we'll be out of here.

James' waiting room, five minutes earlier...

"Way to go Jules," I said to myself, looking up at the screen relieved. 

"An interesting way for your sister to win, but why did she bring the doll back?" Jackal scratched his head at that. 

"The girl's Soul Remembrance must've shown her something and Julia probably decided to bring it back to her. Julia may be determined, but she won't leave anyone in pain like that." I explained to Jackal, but it seems he couldn't understand it fully. "Anyways, we still have a long way before we get to round two. So, you better prepare yourself. I think I'm gonna take a nap and conserve my energy. Wake me up when it's my turn. And by the way, good luck out there" I laid down and covered my eyes with my headband. 

"Heh, I don't need luck!" Jackal chilled with me and I took a big yawn before taking a nap.

An uncertain amount of time later...

"Hey, wake up James." I felt Jackal shake my shoulders and I sat up, moving my headband off my eyes. 

"Is it round two already?" I asked with a gaping yawn. 

"Yep and it looks like I'm the one who has to fight with two students, and you get to only fight one." 

"Who am I fighting for round two?" 

"You're going to be fighting me." Justin came up to us with his arms crossed and a smirk plastered across his face. 

"Let's hope you give me a better fight than Ramon did." I gave a smirk back. 

"Oh, don't worry, I can promise you that. But what I can't promise though is that you'll beat me. No one besides Evgeni has been able to defeat me in the arena." 

"Well let's see then." I could sense from Justin that he was different than Ramon. He appears to be a more honorable fighter and doesn't see me as an obstacle, but more as a challenge. But at the same time, I could sense a little fear in him. I might be the one that finally beats him, but I won't let that get to my head. There's a possible chance that he could beat me. 

"Well, looks like I have to go, James, wish me luck!" Jackal got up and ran out to the arena with the other two students. Now it was just me and Justin in the waiting room, so I moved my headband over my eyes and laid back down. 

"Wait, you're not gonna watch your friend fight?" 

"I want it to be a surprise what his element is. Ever since meeting him, I've had no idea what kind of Creation Mage he is, and he's done that on purpose. So, when we fight it'll all be a surprise to me. I would have to think of stuff on the fly." I explained, and I could hear Justin chuckle. 

"Oh, you seem pretty confident in beating me, well, let's see then."

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