Chapter 1 The Boy from Rocksteady Pt. 1

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The port town I live in, Rocksteady, is a quaint one, with only five thousand residents living there. That's a pretty small population in the country of Seraphim for a port town. Inside the town of Rocksteady there's an orphanage run by a priest named Father Alric, and in this orphanage, there's a boy that goes by the name of James Kidd, and that's me! I've lived in this orphanage since I was two years old with my sister who was a year old. Years have passed since our arrival, so now I'm one of the oldest in the orphanage. This means I get to help father Alric take care of the other children here. 

After breakfast, as usual, I would head to work at the nearby diner. At the diner, I cook for dozens of customers every day. I've known how to cook for bunches of people due to having to feed the children back at the orphanage, which means that that has made the diner quite popular. Today was like any other typical day. I got to work and started my preparations for the morning rush that we always got. It was just then that I heard the first customer come in. I looked out to see if it was one of the regulars, and it wasn't. Two people were standing by the door waiting to be seated. There was an older gentleman in a military uniform and a girl about my age in a cloak. As they waited, the girl was scanning the room when she saw me. She immediately looked down at the floor for some reason, oddly enough I had the feeling like I've seen her somewhere before but couldn't think of why. Since no one noticed the two, I had to call out to one of the waitresses and she rushed over and happily took them to their seats. I waited in the kitchen since it was only those two in the diner, but the waitress just passed me and brought them coffee which I felt was odd. 

Why come here just to have coffee, it isn't even that good?  

"James, pay attention we got more customers coming in!" The owner of the diner, Richard, shouted at me. 

"Sorry sir, I'm on it!" I ran back into the kitchen and began cooking the orders that came in. It was a breeze because most of the orders came from the regulars and I knew exactly how all of them wanted their food. As I was cooking, the waitress that gave those two irregulars their coffee came in and handed me a slip of paper. "Hm, what's this?" 

"I was told by the girl in the cloak to hand this to you, she said that she knew you." The waitress shrugged in response and walked back into the kitchen. 

Weird...I feel like I would remember someone that introverted, but I don't, so how would that girl know who I am? 

After thinking for a minute and not coming up with anything I just shrugged it off and put the slip of paper in my back pocket to read later. As the day continued into the afternoon, I was able to take my lunch break. I went over to burger joint across the street and got my usual, a double cheeseburger with bacon and headed toward my usual table outside. With every delicious bite I took, I was thinking of what to make for dinner for the children back orphanage. 

I made chicken pot pie last night, I could make them some spaghetti, we haven't had that in a while. 

As I was thinking of dinner, there was a hard slam right beside me which didn't faze me because I knew who exactly it was. "What is it, Simon?" I turned my head to see the mayor's son, Simon. 

"You know exactly what James, and this time you're not running away!" Simon snapped his fingers and his friends surrounded me. "I know you're a powerful mage and I want to challenge you. I don't care who sees, I just want to fight you!" 

I let out a boring sigh and got up. "How many times do I have to tell you? I don't know any magic so why bother me?" 

"You're not fooling anyone James. We can all sense the strong magical aura around you. What did Father Alric teach you in that orphanage about magic? You know it's illegal for the Father to teach magic without the proper license. If someone was to tell the authorities, he could go to jail and the orphanage would be demolished." Simon was right up in my face making all these swallow threats. 

I respond by grabbing the punk's neck and slamming him up against the wall, punching just beside him for good measure. "You dare take a step anywhere near the orphanage so help me gods that'll be the last thing you ever do. You got me?" 

"Why are you guys just standing there like dipshits? Get him off me!" Simon looked at his buddies. 

"We would Simon, but something about him has changed, and it's not in a good way. Just look at his eyes." One of his buddies replied trembling and stepping back. I slowly scanned each of Simon's lackies, causing them to all jump back and run away. I looked back up at Simon who was scared just as scared. 

"You heard my threats, and unlike you, I keep mine, so I suggest you move along before things get any worse. Do I make myself clear?" I brought him up in my face, and he quickly nodded yes. I tossed him to the floor, and he immediately ran away. I waited till I couldn't see him anymore to let out a heavy breath. 

"Honestly why does he even bother?" I looked down at my watch and saw that it was time to head back and continue work. So, I walked back over to the diner and continued to work until it was closing time; I left the restaurant and on the way back to the orphanage I saw from an alleyway across the street the girl in the cloak quickly retreat away the moment I saw her. Feeling kinda weird about that, I cautiously went on my way. Once I got inside, I felt safe. But as soon I turned around, I was immediately greeted by all the younger kids as they tackled me to the ground. 

"James you're back!" all of them greeted me in an almost unnatural unison. 

"Hey everyone, where's Father Alric?" I asked everyone. 

"He's at someone's home right now blessing it and he told us that he would be back soon." One of the kids quickly replied. 

"Alright well let's head to the mess hall so I can start on dinner, I think you guys will like what I'm gonna make." I got everyone pumped! They all ran over to the mess hall talking with one another until the dinner was ready. 

I lost the feeling in my legs when they trampled me earlier, but as soon as I get it back, I'll start dinner! 

A short while later, I got up and heard wheels rolling over to me and instinctively smiled. "Hey, Jules." 

"Hey big brother, how was work today?" Julia came over in her wheelchair. Julia is my younger sister, but I rely on her for support just as much as she relied on me. Ever since she was one, Julia has been a wheelchair user. This is because of a disease that has made her paralyzed from the waist down, but that doesn't stop her from helping around the orphanage when I'm out at work. All the younger kids look up to her as their older sister just as they look up to me as their older brother. 

"It was odd, I would like to say. There was someone that came in and gave me a note saying they knew me, but I didn't recognize them. Then Simon found me while I was on my lunch break and challenged me to another fight." I replied, and Julia made a noise of disgust. 

"Again?! When will Simon leave you alone?"

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