Chapter 27 Mistress of the Wind Pt. 1

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The three of us headed over to the empty classroom to discuss Bianca's training, and as we walked over, the students around us were whispering. It felt like Lucks Heart all over again, but this time it wasn't towards us. I looked at Bianca, who looked a little uncomfortable. Looking at everyone, I could hear their faint whispers. They were all whispering something about her not being able to control her wind properly and how it's good that she finally got help. 

What kind of life have you had here, Bianca? James asked. 

It didn't look like a good one with everyone staring and whispering about her. Eighty-Four points out. 

I agree with you, Eighty-Four. This reminds me of how our lives were in Lucks Heart, Julia replies. 

We got to the door of the empty classroom, but before I could open it, we heard laughter coming towards us. We looked to our left to see a crowd of students walking towards us.

"Look, its Bianca, the mage that can barely control her magic!" One of them pointed towards us, and the others erupted in hysteria. 

I felt Bianca hide half of herself behind me, and I looked down to see her on the verge of tears. I looked back at Julia, who showed no restraint to hide her anger, just like me. We walked over to the group, and they immediately stop laughing. 

"Are you insulting our student? Dear sister, I believe these punks are insulting our student." I glared down at them. 

"I do believe they are brother. Shall we teach them a lesson?" Julia moved her hand out and summoned her purple mist. 

"I couldn't agree with you more sister." I changed my rock arm into a spiked mace. 

"W-w-w-wait...why are the Battlemage siblings James and Julia here at Mormore Academy?" one of the students asked. 

"Who cares! Let's go!" Another said, and they all scattered like panicked animals, so we uncast our spells. 

"That'll show them, but how did they already know about us?" Julia said. 

"I guess words spread fast throughout the academies in Seraphim. That's my guess, but now we got those jerks to run away. Now back to you, Bianca—" I turned back around to see Bianca on her knees, wiping her tears away. 

"They're right; I can't control my magic. I'm such a horrible mage." She told us. 

"Bianca," Julia walked over and kneeled down. "It's okay, that's how it was for James and me when we first started." 

"Yeah, on accident one of Julia's spells changed my hair to white, and that's when we first started to try out our spells," I said, not mentioning how she also aged me in the process. I could tell from the look on Julia's face that she was grateful that I didn't mention that part. 

"But I've been here for almost a year, and I still can't control my wind." 

"Well, that's what we're here to do; to help you control your wind. Come on." I opened the door, and we all went in. The classroom was in the same shape as the classrooms back in Lucks Heart. Now I just think that all mage academies look the same inside, no matter where we go. 

Julia told Bianca to sit in the front desk, and we both hopped onto the teacher's desk. "So Bianca, tell us when and how you discovered your magical gifts. I remember when I first met you, you didn't show any signs of possessing magical gifts." 

"Well, it happened shortly after you and Big Sister Julia left to Lucks Heart. I came to Mormore City to listen to wonderful music. But as I was enjoying the surrounding music, I got pulled into an alley and was surrounded by men. They were going to do horrible things to me." 

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