Chapter 24 Ceremony Pt. 1

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A day after the siblings were sent to infirmary, they made a miraculous return from their injuries, and the preparations for their graduation ceremony began. But while the preparations were in commence, Head Mistress had one little issue to solve: the sibling's supposed mother. She and the companion have been staying in her secret sanctuary. Only she can get to it, and so she has been watching the two ever since they randomly appeared. She's observing their movements from above, behind a tinted window, as they enjoy her little sanctuary. 

Their mother? I mean, I do see the resemblance, but still, I can't help but feel that something is off about this woman. She and her little companion have been cooperative and haven't tried to leave the sanctuary, so there's that at least. I'm sure she has her reasons for looking for them only now, but she needs to know about them, specifically what they are and what they plan on doing. 

She snapped her fingers and instantly teleported into the sanctuary to the two who weren't surprised. "How are you two liking my little sanctuary?" 

"It's one of the more peaceful places we've been to in a long time. Brings me back to when I went into hiding for my pregnancies." Kaisa answered without looking at Head Mistress. "And before you ask, yes, I can tell that you're skeptical about James and Julia being my children." 

"I was hoping to go into that without being obvious, but yes, I'll admit that I'm skeptical about the whole thing. Kaisa the Merciless, one of the greatest mercenaries of our time, turns out to secretly be a mother. You were right to keep that a secret and to keep them away for that long because I couldn't imagine what kind of children those two would have been if they became mercenaries, no offense, of course." 

Kaisa giggled at that as she turned to face Head Mistress. "None taken. The situation is more complicated than that, but one of the major reasons why I took them to Father Alric's orphanage was to make sure they never saw the life of a mercenary. That old man would have never let them take that path." 

"That's an understatement, but I see why you chose his orphanage and not any random one. But another matter that's been bugging me is the absence of the father. Unless they figured out a way to make two children with the same sex, where is their father?" Head Mistress looked at Kaisa's companion, and the two looked at each other. 

"That's the complicated part that I would rather not talk about. That wretched man has no right to be near those two, and I will not let them know who he is." 

"That's fine, but let me tell you something that might be more complicated than their father. You know about the Constructors correct?" 

"The five mages that saved humanity from extinction ten thousand years ago and created the Great Bastille to protect us? Yes, what about them?" 

"Well, it turns out that James and Julia are descendants of two of them. And if you saw their magic, it came from them." Head Mistress told Kaisa. And to her surprise, Kaisa didn't seem alarmed by the news. 

"I knew that those two were going to be mages because of their father, but I didn't think they were Constructors. I'm glad that I'm the one that's hearing this. Their father would've abused this information for his own devices." 

"Yes, but that's not it. They told everyone the reason why they wanted to graduate was to explore Seraphim, yet that's a lie. The real reason is to find the other three descendants so they can prepare them for the fight ahead." 

"What fight?" 

"The Constructors' creator has awoken from their slumber and is planning on destroying Seraphim. Once the two find the others, they'll train them for the fight. Those five are Seraphim's only hope and must not fail. I hate to do this, but I must ask you to not accompany them on this journey for your sake." That shocked Kaisa a little, which Head Mistress expected to happen. "I know what I'm asking is a lot considering you just met them after so long, but the path they are on is only for them." 

"I understand that, it's just a lot to take in." 

"I'll give you time to let it sink in, but I need to go to James' and Julia's graduation ceremony. It is going to start shortly." 

"Are we not able to come and see?" 

"No, but I'll do this for you," Head Mistress raised her arm up, and the nearby crystal rose up and began to glow. "When the ceremony begins, you'll be able to see it from the crystal. Farewell for now." She snapped her fingers and teleported away, leaving Kaisa and her companion to themselves. 

Kaisa walked over to the crystal and sat down in front of it with her companion sitting beside her. Her companion could sense that Kaisa was troubled with all the information given to her. "Are you okay, Kaisa?" 

"I'm okay, Sharon. Just like she said, it's just a lot to take in. But I still can't believe it; my babies are Constructors." Kaisa let out a small laugh, but it wasn't out of happiness. "I'm gonna have to let them go again, won't I?" 

"I'm afraid so, Kaisa, but you at least saw them." 

"I guess." She wiped a tear off her face.

In James' and Julia's room....

We were supposed to be seated at the ceremony hall ten minutes ago, but I'm still waiting on Julia to get ready. I was pacing back and forth in front of the bathroom door while she got dressed. After another minute passed, I couldn't wait anymore and banged on the door. "By the Holy Five Julia, we need to go now! We're gonna be late because of you!" 

The door opened, and out came Julia fully dressed in her Battlemage outfit. "What do you think, James, pretty cute, right?" 

For every one that becomes a Battlemage, they are allowed to have an outfit for aesthetic purposes or to fit their fighting style. For us, however, it was for the aesthetic appeal. Julia's outfit was a pink hooded poncho, skinny jeans, and high-top sneakers. Mine was a long black vest with a hood, a white short-sleeved shirt underneath it, jeans ripped on the knees, and regular sneakers. 

"Yeah it looks great, now let's go we're late!" I grabbed her wrist, not really paying attention to her outfit, and ran out of the room to the ceremony hall. As we got close, we could hear Head Mistress talking to the whole academy, so we needed to hurry. "Julia, do you trust me?" 

"Whatever you're about to do, just do it." She nodded, and I jumped into the ground bringing her with me. I found out a nifty trick with this sinking ability while I was practicing with Master Feng. Anyone who has physical contact can sink with me and breathe normally as well. I got us just under the stage and launched us up, but I used too much power. We took a longer fall than I predicted. But it was okay because we landed and made it just in time because I could hear Head Mistress getting ready to announce us to come on the stage. The students clapped for us, and we greeted them with a bow. 

"We didn't plan on this Head Mistress, Julia took forever to get dressed," I whisper, still bowing as Julia elbowed my side. 

"I know, but as usual, you two make remarkable results with the use of your magic." She whispered back to us. "Now, I present you the two graduates of this years' Magus Exam, James and Julia Kidd!" She announces to the crowd. 

We straightened up and waved to everyone with big smiles on our faces. It's still hard to believe that we did it and will be on our journey soon to find the others, but first, we need to make a big sendoff for the rest of the academy. 

"These two showed their magical prowess in the Magus Exam and have proven themselves to be capable Battlemages. As their reward, not only will they be able to leave this academy, but they also receive these." Head Mistress turned around to Madam Florence, who had a wooden box in her hands and opened it. She turned back towards us, and in her hands were two small rectangular badges made of purple crystal. "These are their Battlemage Badges. They are meant to show other mages what rankings they are and not a force to be reckoned with. May you two wear these badges with pride." She walked over to us and put the badges on our chest. My eyes were welling up, just seeing this on my chest. I looked over at Julia, and she had the same expression on her face as well. The sense of accomplishment was overpowering us, and we didn't know what to do other than hug each other. 

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