Chapter 22 Finals: Final Round

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This is it, James. It's time to wipe that smug grin off of Evgeni's face. 

The screams and cheers of my name from the other students felt good. They knew if anyone could beat Evgeni, it was me. I've trained for a year with Master Feng with my martial arts and Madam Florence with my creation magic. Unlike Julia, Grandpa Oros didn't teach me how to use his magic, so I had to make my own variant of it, and I think that's what he wanted me to do. We haven't spoken since he defended for Julia that day a year ago, so I'm curious about what he thinks of my variant. 

"Witches and mages, it's time!" Alice swooped down as she roared at her mic. The crowd got even crazier the moment she came back. "We're coming to a close on this year's Magus Exam, and we're ending it with a spectacular match-up! To my right is the newcomer that has dominated since his first fight, James Kidd, and to my left is the last of the Monster Trio, Evgeni Lockthorn! Both of them are Creation Mages, so could this fight end in a standstill, or will one of them overwhelm the other? Let's find out. Boys, are you ready?" 

We both jumped back to our side and got in our fighting stances. That was all Alice needed as an answer and proceeded to take out her handkerchief. "Alright, boys, on my mark...FIGHT!" 

Evgeni made the first move by creating a massive ice wave to hit me, but I shoot myself high enough with a rock pillar to jump over the wave. 

Alright, all I need to do is get in close, and land one good pressure point hit on him. 

The moment I landed back down, I ran towards him and created a stone staff along the way. As I got close, though, Evgeni began to create ice barriers to block my way. Too bad for him, I've seen a similar tricked done before during my training with Master Feng. "That's not going to work, Evgeni. My master has used this before," I shouted out as I bounced off the barrier and got in front of him. With one right thrust, I took aim and jabbed him in the center of his chest, which would've paralyzed him for a sec, but that wasn't the case. Instead, he shattered like glass, and before I realized what he did, something cold hit my gut and sent me sliding away.

I stopped myself, and I coughed out a little bit of blood as I stood back up. Evgeni laughed at me as he emerged from one of his ice barriers with an ice club. 

"I can't believe you fell for one of my mimics. Even a novice would've seen that a mile away." 

"Don't get cocky just because you got one good hit in, Evgeni. This fight is far from over." I spat and slammed my hands to the ground. "Let's see you dodge this, Earth Creation: Wyvern!" In front of me, a giant rock wyvern climbed out of the ground and let out a thunderous roar. I hopped on its back and tapped its neck to make the wyvern charge forward. Let's go, Coal! It galloped ahead at full speed, ready to chomp down at Evgeni. But instead, Evgeni deflected its attack with an ice shield. 

"My, I must say that I haven't seen anyone create a wyvern with such detail before. It's a shame that it's been created by someone who can't hold it together properly. Let me put it out of its misery." Evgeni snapped his fingers and the ice shield he made shattered. He sent the shattered pieces up towards my wyvern, and it should've broken the head, but to his surprise, it stayed together. "What?!" 

"You were sayin'?" I jumped off and jabbed his face. "I'm more efficient with my creation then you think, Evgeni!" 

Perfect, I'm real close. And now, I just need to hit his pressure points. 

"Get away!" A flush of fear washed over Evgeni as he covered himself with icicles. They were long and sharp enough to cut up my hand pretty good. I jumped back, and I looked at his aura. He was completely overwhelmed with fear towards me. "I said, get away!" This time he sent out another ice wave towards me and my wyvern. The wave broke my wyvern and made me crash into the wall. 

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