Chapter 23 A Tearful Reunion Pt. 2

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"What I mean is that you have the same kind of infection I had when I was alive. All the Constructors had this infection where we had a remnant of an Archangel in us just after the war started." 

"What should we do then, Grandpa Oros?" 

"Coexist with each other. Remember, he's the reason why you, Julia, and the others out there have their magical gifts. And he doesn't look like he's up to anything suspicious, so let that Head Mistress take off the incantation on your neck and find a balance between you two. With that balance, you two will be even more formidable out there. And one more thing before you go. I must warn you; you have only two more chances where you can heal like this. After that last chance, any fatal injury you get will have to heal normally, so I suggest you be more careful out there." 

"Okay, Grandpa." I nodded, and he snapped his fingers to create a door for me to pass through. Before I went through, I looked back at Eighty-Four, who blankly looked back at me. "We'll talk more when I get the incantation off me." 

"Okay, James." 

I walked through the door and woke up staring at the infirmary window on the opposite side of the room. The sound of the heart monitor was all too familiar that it made me think of Grandpa's warning of getting any more fatal injuries. 

Two more fatal injuries, and I'll have to heal normally. Guess I need to be more careful from now on. 

I got out of my bed and started to walk over to the door, but I looked to my left and saw an unconscious Evgeni resting on one of the beds. My heart dropped to the floor when I saw how many machines he was hooked up to. 

Jophiel's mercy...what did you do to him Eighty-four... 

I didn't want to look at what Eighty-four did to Evgeni anymore, so I walked out of the room, but suddenly someone crashed into me and nearly made me crack the wall I flew into. When I got back to my feet, I looked over to see who bumped into me and was shocked to see who it was. "Julia?" 

"James!" She looked at me with pigtails on her head. That means it's Emma at the helm. She panicked and tried to figure out what to do, but then she looked in a certain direction and nodded. Whatever she was about to do, it was Julia making her do it. 

Before Emma could go, I stopped her by creating stone hands. "Julia, what are you making Emma do? You are not in any condition to be moving like that." 

"Please let me go, James. Julia is yelling at me," Emma begged with tears. 

"Tell Julia to come out right now!" I yelled out. Emma looked to her right and saw the two switching places by the change of facial expression from a tearful look to an enraged one. 

"Let go of me right now, brother!" Julia screamed at me with desperation I've never seen from her before. 

"Not until you tell me what you're doing!" 

"I'm looking for our mother, James!" She cried out, and my body tensed up. 

"Our mother..." 

"She here, James. I can sense her presence. So, can you let go of me and help me find her?" 

"Where is she right now?" I asked. 

"She's in that room. I can see her." She nodded over to the boy's infirmary room. 

"Julia, there was no one in there when I woke up." 

"No brother, she's in here. I can sense her!" 

I moved the hands over to the doorway and brought her in to see. "See Julia; there's no one here. It's just Evgeni and me in here." 

I didn't need to see how Julia looked because I could feel her emotions. She was so overwhelmed with sadness and desperation that I couldn't help but tear up. Out of the two of us, she was always the most excited to have parents and would get hurt the most when we would get rejected. This time was no different. I couldn't feel what she was sensing, but the idea of finally having a family must have been so close that when she lost that chance, she displayed such strong emotions. If our mother was here, then she was being cruel and not showing herself to us. 

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