Chapter 16 Semi-finals

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After an hour of waiting, it was time to for the semi-finals. The six of us stood on the arena waiting for Alice to come out. The confetti popped as she came out, it wasn't just her that popped out the General to King Alistaire came out as well. She stood beside Alice looking at us as if she were scanning us up close, her eyes moving across almost machine-like. It was a little creepy. 

"Congrats to the six of you for making it to the semi-finals. Before we begin, General Meredith here has an announcement for you. General," Alice handed her the mic, and General moved it up to her face. 

"Today the six of you have shown me great skill in your magical prowess, so I have a proposition for you. Those who are able to graduate will have a choice to be a soldier for King Alistaire. We need people like you in our ranks, but like I said, it is a choice only for those who graduate." General told us, and everyone in the academy started talking amongst each other. 

Be a part of the King's army, heh, what kind of sick joke is that? I would rather drop dead than join that bastard of a king. His father was peaceful, but he's the complete opposite. 

"Join King Alistaire's army?" Jackal thought out loud, and I looked over at him. 

"Don't tell me you're thinking about it?" I asked him. 

"Oh no, but this is the first time anyone from the King's army has done this. All of us are too young to join so I'm wondering if this is even legal for the General to do?" 

"But I've held you guys for too long, let's begin the semi-finals! Back to you Alice," The General handed back the mic to Alice. She cleared her throat. 

"That's right! First up will be the two students from Shiki's group. You two may go to your sides and the rest of you go back to the waiting rooms until you're called out." 

Before I could go over to tell Uriela good luck, she was already walking away to her side, so I had no choice but to walk away. From what I saw of her opponent's fights, she needs to be careful or she won't face Shiki at all. 

Back in the waiting room, I looked up at the screen to watch the match while Jackal lied down with his back turned away. "You're not going to see the match, Jackal?"

"Nah, I already know who's gonna win, but I won't spoil it for you." He told me, and I just shrugged my shoulders.

On the arena...

Uriela's heart pounded in her chest. She knew her opponents magic and knew how to counter it, but something in the air was feeling odd to her, the air especially closer to Kuma. It was thick and almost intimidating to her. This must be some new magic that Kuma learned during the year.

Why am I feeling this now and before when I saw his other matches? What is he waiting to use on me? 

"Okay everyone, let's begin the first match of the semi-finals! On my right we have Kuma, and on my left, we have Uriela! These two were here last year with only Uriela advancing to the finals, but I sense something different in Kuma. Will this be part of his strategy to win this round, why don't we find out. Ready you two, and...START!" 

Kuma was the first to move by charging forward at Uriela. His fist was covered in water like a torrent. "I'll be the one that's going to fight Shiki this year Uriela!" 

"As I've been saying," Uriela formed her fire pillar and got it ready. "No one fights him but me!" 

The two collided with a shockwave erupting, but the instant they made contact, Uriela's fire pillar disappeared leaving her vulnerable. "That's impossible!" 

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