Chapter 33 Aftermath

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The next morning Mormore City was in shock of the mysterious events that occurred during the night. The first was the first shooting at The Golden Lion, which left a few injured and one person dead. The second was not far from The Golden Lion, where everyone in a five-block radius simultaneously fell unconscious, leaving several hundred injured and fifty people dead due to car accidents. And finally, there was the second shooting at The Golden Lion, which thankfully did not leave anyone injured or dead. But because of these events, the entire city was in a frenzy and had no idea who caused all of this. 

The police investigated The Golden Lion and the owner, Calem Moriarti, and he was taken in for questioning. He gave them his account of what happened, explaining that the first shooting was due to a fight that occurred inside the cabaret, which led to a small gang war, which he ended quickly. He said that the second shooting happened because of the same reason, but he couldn't explain what had caused the sudden unconsciousness of people in the five-block radius. 

"Whatever it was had to be caused by a mage with immense power," was what he told the police, and they let him go. He walked away and looked around, and everyone had the look of fear on them, fear they didn't know where to place. Going to his limousine, his driver took him to the Mormore graveyard, where all his employees were standing over an open grave with a coffin beside it. 

When the driver stopped, Calem got out and walked over to the coffin and placed his hand on it. The cold wood felt colder to him since he knew who it was inside. He tried his best to hold back the tears as he turned back to his employees to face them. "Last night, we lost a member of the family, Luna. She was one of the best performers that the cabaret had, but when she got severely injured during one of her performances, Luna had to retire. From what I was told, she became a maid at a hotel here, and a damn good one at that. Today we bury her with the rest of the Moriarti Family, just like all of you will one day. May her journey through the Abyss be short, so she can be at Holy Five's side." He beckoned his employees to come over, and they helped him lower Luna in her grave. One at a time, each employee took turns to toss the dirt into the hole while Calem watched. 

He took out a cigarette and was about to light it, but then he remembered all the times when Luna would tell him to quit because it would kill him. At the time, he didn't care much but looking at the thing now made him sick to his stomach, so he took out his pack and crushed it in his hand, and the tears finally came out. "This gets harder every time, first mom, and now you, Luna...those three better have been worth it for it to have cost you your life."

At Northreach...

I woke up early and went downstairs, grabbed a cup of coffee, and headed to the lounging area to relax. Calem was right. The inn with the boar sign does have excellent service. There was a married couple with me in the lounge area watching TV, but I wasn't watching because I was too enthralled by my cup of coffee. But then I overheard something that one of them said, and that got my attention. 

"Have you heard about the incidences that happened at Mormore?" The man asked his wife. 

"I'm looking at it right now." The wife nodded up to TV, and I looked too. It was the news channel describing the incidences that happened last night. When they talked about the second incident where Julia used her powerful spell, I didn't realize she had knocked out everyone within a five-block radius. The anchor also mentioned the death toll of the incident, and my heart sank. 

Julia must not know about this. I need to get back to the room! 

I put my cup down and ran back to our room, which was on the top floor. The ride up the elevator felt like an eternity, and when the door finally opened, I busted out, pushing someone out of the way, and sprinted back to our room. 

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