Chapter 6 Worst Case Scenario Pt.2

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"Creation Magic is one of four types of magic. With enough knowledge, you can create anything that you can think of with the certain element you're proficient in," Uriela answered clearly. 

"Excellent, that's exactly what I wanted to hear! And with knowledge strength," Madam Florence placed her hand on a corner of her desk, and when she lifted it back up, a small robin made of wood began to fly around the classroom. I was astonished that she was able to bring a bird made of wood to life. "You can create life, and even better, recreate lost limbs, just like James here. You can go back to your seat now." 

I walked back to my seat, and the wooden robin landed on my shoulder. Seeing it up close like this, I was able to see the incredible amount of detail it had. From its feathers down to its feet. If it wasn't made out of wood, I would've thought that it was real. I looked at my arm and remembered what Jackal said to me; that my arm is battle-ready, and I guess he was right. I didn't think of how it should look, only the fact that I wanted a new arm. Seeing the robin, I could tell immediately that this must've taken years to master. Even with my supposed great talents, I couldn't have made anything as precise and detailed as what Madam Florence made." I still have a long way to go be able to use my magic, and I know Julia feels the same way with her skills. We will both be doing our best to learn and train. After all, everyone at the academy is expecting a lot from us, so I wouldn't want to disappoint.

In Head Mistress's office...

Head Mistress was sipping on her coffee peacefully when she heard a knock on the door. She called out to the person, and they entered. It was an old friend of hers that lives just outside of the academy in the city. 

"It's rare to get a visit from you. What brings you here, my friend?" Head Mistress put her cup of coffee down and looked at her friend with a smile. 

"I couldn't help but feel something powerful stirring at this academy, and not just one, but two walking around. Who did you find exactly, Amelia?" the friend asked her, and she changed her posture to a more serious one. 

"What do you think it is because I feel it too," she asked back, and that got her friend thinking. 

"The only thing I can think is that it's them, but they disappeared and were never seen again. It can't be them." 

"The two you're sensing are siblings. One of them is a boy who nearly crushed another mage who was taunting him to death with a stone clam he made. The other is a girl who healed all the broken bones of that mage. Both had no knowledge of how to cast such advanced spells. From what an old friend of mine that was taking care of them told me, they didn't possess magical talents until just then. And also, the girl was a wheelchair user before and suddenly was able to walk overnight. I don't know about you, but I feel something special about those two." 

"Let me train one of them!" The friend instantly replied. 

"No, no. They just started. I don't want you accidentally killing one of them during training. Give them a year, and I'll determine which one will train and learn magical skills with you." Head Mistress insisted. 

"Fair enough, I'll give you a year, Amelia." 

"A year is all they'll need. I have faith that they'll grow rather quickly." Head Mistress chuckled and took another sip from her coffee.

In James's and Julia's room...

When my first day was finally over, I went back to the room and saw Julia lying on her bed, looking at her hand. I was about to ask why she was doing that, but then I saw that her fist was glowing with a purple mist around it. I saw that something was bothering her, and as I got closer, she seemed to notice me, so she swung her hand back down and sat up. "Brother, I didn't hear you come in! How was your first day?" 

"It was alright. There's a lot that we're going to be learning from this place. How was yours?" I asked back. 

"Oh, it was...good. I can't wait to learn what they have to offer." Julia replied, but I sensed that there was more than that. Looking down, I saw that her left arm was hiding behind her, and when she noticed me staring, she moved back further. 

"What happened to you, Julia?" I looked up to see her on the verge of tears. 

"Nothing James," She looked away. I reached out to her, but she swung her left hand over my rock arm, and it disintegrated in an instant. I stumbled back, shocked, and she looked at me with a look of horror. "James, I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?" 

"No, I'm alright. You just scared me. But Julia, that purple mist, there it is again." I pointed at the purple mist that was circling around her hand. She quickly shook it away and ran away to the balcony. I went over to lean on the railing that she was sitting on. She was wiping the tears off her face. "Julia, I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened." 

"I...I disintegrated a boy's arm and a leg today," She sniffled. "Today was a group project, and this one boy in my group was picking on me the whole time. When he tried to shove me, I swiped my arm over him, and everyone saw his right limbs disintegrate. Head Mistress was called in, and I was escorted back here and told to stay until things were figured out over the situation." 

"Did they tell you what it is exactly?" 

"My teacher told me that it's a protective ward, but this is nothing that he's seen before as if it's an ancient protective ward. What am I supposed to do if I can't control this James...what if I hurt someone again?" Julia couldn't hold it in anymore and began to cry again. 

I processed everything that she told me, and it was a lot to take in. My brotherly instincts were kicking in, and I tried to think of a way to help her. I looked around to see if there was anything that could help, and then I looked down at my right arm then it snapped. "I got it!" 

"Got what?" Julia turned around. I jab my right arm into the ground. The instant I touched it, it turned into liquid, just like before. I brought my arm back up and saw that I had my rock arm back. I noticed a couple of imperfections, but those didn't matter to me right now. "Come with me, Julia," I waved her over to the center of the room, and she came over. 

"What is it, James?" 

"You said that it is a protective ward, and it only came out when someone touched you?" 

"Yeah, and?" 

"Here's my idea. I'm going to try and punch you with my right arm. I need you to swipe it away with your left arm until you're able to control that ward. Get ready." I put my left arm behind my back; that way, I wouldn't try to swing with that one. 

"I don't know about this, James." She said, but I came forward with a right swing. I was completely shocked at how well Julia was able to dodge and swipe it away. The shockwave after the disintegration pushed us both back and sunk the ashes back down to the floor. And so, I brought out another arm. I rushed back in and threw another punch, which she swiped away again with the same result, but I wasn't about to give up, not for my little sister. 

We continued on with this to what felt like hours, to the point that we were getting tired. But even with our exhaustion, I was determined to help Julia control her ward; I plunged my arm into the ground one more time and brought out my arm. Staggering from exhaustion, I got back up and got into a fighting stance. "You ready, Julia?" 

 Staggering also, Julia stood back up and got ready. "Let's do this, James." I used the last bit of strength I had left into one final punch and swung straight at Julia. With everything she had left, Julia brushed my arm, but this time there was no shockwave to push us back. I felt her hand push my arm away, and we both fell to the floor. We finally did it. 

 I fell on my back, and she fell on her stomach, both us of panting from exhaustion, but I was happy. "We did it, Julia. Now you can control your ward. All you have to do now is learn when and how to use it." 

 I felt her left-hand clench tightly on my right, and there was still no shockwave. It was a relief to grasp her hand to mine. Felt like we haven't held hands in years. "Thank you, James. I thought I would never be able to use my left hand ever again." 

 "Heh, anything for my little sister," I told her, and we both began to laugh with joy, but as quickly as we laughed, we passed out on the floor from all that training. With everything we've been through, there's no one better to have by your side than a sibling.

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