Chapter 29 Something to Prove

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The moment Bianca said yes to her Grandma, we've been training her after her classes. Adela instructed Bianca in the ways of the wind; how to master and control the wind and space around her. When they first began, Bianca was clumsy and sloppy, but she didn't give up and continued on. Days turned into weeks, and she started to improve in managing and focusing on her magic. Once in awhile, Adela would have me make dummies for Bianca to practice on and have Julia use light attacks on her to see if she could deflect them. To our surprise, she was able to divert some of Julia's attacks with just the wind. She was getting better. 

The weeks soon turned into three months, and by then, Bianca had fully mastered her magic and was able to control it to her will. We were very proud of her, especially since she was able to master it in a shorter amount of time than Julia, and now it was time to show the fruits of our labor Head Mistress Chesh. 

It had just turned noon, and we were in an empty Training Yard waiting for Head Mistress Chesh to come see Bianca. We sat on the boulder that I had brought in three months ago. We could see students peeking out through the windows and doorway cracks, also waiting to see Bianca. But all of their stares weren't helping with Bianca's nervousness. She was tapping her fingers and hitting her leg on the rock, just like I do when I get nervous. 

"What if I'm not good enou—" 

I stopped her right there with a hand chop. "Ah, none of that, missy! What did I tell you before we got here?" 

"'Keep a calm and collected head, or else you'll lose yourself and your focus.' But still!" Bianca looked at me with a nervous look. 

"It's only natural for her to be nervous. We both know it'll go away when she shows her skills. And speak of the devil, here comes the Head Mistress." Julia pointed to our right. Head Mistress Chesh was jaunting towards us with a doubtful look on her face. 

"Greetings you three, I was told that Bianca has fully mastered her magic." 

"Good morning, Head Mistress Chesh, we know that Bianca has total control of her magic now." I confidently told her. 

"I would like to see that for myself, Battlemage James. Whenever you're ready, you can begin Bianca." Head Mistress Chesh looked over at Bianca. 

"Yes, ma'am..." She got up and looked over at me. "I'm ready, sir." 

I hopped off the boulder and slammed my hands down. "Alright, Bianca, let's get started!" I summoned up rock dummies several feet away for her. "Now destroy them." 

She took a deep breath before going into a sprint, and as she approached the first dummy, she got into a low stance, cowered only a foot away from it. "Wind Spell: Air Scythe!" Bianca launched up cutting the dummy in half, and when she was high enough, she stopped in midair to aim herself at the other dummies. "Wind Spell: Wind's Fury!" She swiped her hands down as gusts of wind blew the dummies to pieces, and just before the wind hit the windows, she moved them straight up. 

I looked over at the Head Mistress, who was slowly changing her doubtful look with a pleased look. "Now, let's show her your mobility!" 

"Yes, sir!" Bianca flew higher up and waited for my signal. 

"Why is she so high up?" Head Mistress squinted to see Bianca. 

"For this," I said as I sunk my right arm into the ground. Hundreds of tendrils shoot up and aim for Bianca. She quickly dodged every single one with ease like they were nothing. But as she was avoiding my tendrils, I could the wind shifting in an unnatural pattern, and I knew what that meant. 

So, you're gonna go all out on this one, huh kiddo? Well, let's show Head Mistress Chesh that you're a force to be reckoned with! 

"Expand," I whispered, and all the tendrils grew to the width of a basketball, making it so if a single one hits, it's gonna hurt. 

"Oh wait, she's gonna do that spell, isn't she, James?" Julia chuckled. 

"Yep, she is!" 

"Wait what spell?" 

"It's a spell she's been working on for the past couple of weeks, all I'm gonna say is you may want to cover your ears," I told the Head Mistress as I looked back up to see Bianca getting herself ready. 

She created a funnel with her hands and put them in front of her mouth and took in a big, deep breath. "Wind Spell: Dragon's Harrowing Roar!" Bianca's shout generated a concentrated, powerful beam of air that expanded outward, farther and farther away from her. When her scream reached my tendrils, they instantly shattered and hit the ground, concaving a couple of feet into it. 

"You're telling me she taught herself that in only a couple of weeks?!" Head Mistress Chesh gave us a shocked look as she shouted. 

"Yep, but there's one drawback to this spell," I said, and just as I finished my sentence, the training yard quickly went silent. I looked up to see Bianca fall down motionlessly. Emma jumped up and caught her before she could crash down. "Nice catch, Emma." 

"Thanks, James!" She landed and laid Bianca down. She was unconscious now, but okay. 

"So, using that spell drains her stamina quickly, and if she uses it for too long, it'll knock her out unconscious." Head Mistress Chesh came over and kneeled down to feel Bianca's head. "Such extraordinary power in such a young girl. It's scary to think that if she went down the wrong path, she would be a very dangerous mage." 

"Then why not let her come with us on our journey across Seraphim?" I asked. "We could teach her to use her magic for good and make sure she's on the right path." 

"Well, the progress she's made in only three months is astonishing and more than proves that I can leave her in your hands, but let me think about it. So, until I give you my answer, let me give you this." She handed us a red envelope. 

"What's this?" 

"That is a VIP invitation to one of Mormore City's exclusive cabarets, The Golden Lion. There the best singers and entertainers perform for the patrons, and it's also where we'll discuss our business. I'll give you my answer tonight. See you two then." Head Mistress walked away, and Julia and I just looked at each other. 

"This is fishy; I don't trust this one bit, James." 

"Neither do I Jules, but if this is what it takes to get Bianca to come along, then it looks like we got a long night ahead of us." I glanced down at Bianca, who was still unconscious. "Don't worry, kiddo, you'll join us soon enough."

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