Chapter 25 Farewells for Now Pt. 2

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"Let me first say that the relationship between your father and I is complicated. There's a reason why he's not with me. And the reason for it is because he didn't want you to be part of his life. The first time I was pregnant with you, James, I was so excited to tell him the news. But before I had the chance to do so, he had told me that he would disown and hate any child of ours till the day they died." After that, I couldn't bring myself to tell him that, so I told him I needed to go away and train, and nine months later, I had you." 

She's lying James. Mother is hiding father from us. Julia said in my head. 

And I don't think we'll get any answers out of her, so we'll have to find him ourselves. I replied back. 

"It's okay, mom, I understand, and I'm sure Julia will as well." I stopped mom from continuing her lie. "I'm sure father was a good man and has his reason. I'm guessing you have no idea where he is now?" 

"No, I don't. It's been years since I last saw him, so I wouldn't be able to pinpoint where he is for you two. I'm sorry." 

"It's fine, Mom." I glanced over at Julia, and she came back inside. 

"Sorry, guys, but I couldn't help myself to look around." 

"It's okay baby, James told me you're a curious girl, and I can definitely tell you get that from your father." Mom gave Julia a big smile, but underneath the table, Julia's hand gripped my pant leg. 

I want to find father now more than ever, brother. 

I agree Julia. 

Hey, what are you guys talking about? 

"Nothing Eighty-Four," I said out loud on accident, and mom gave me a doubtful expression. After I told her about our lives at the orphanage and about our friends at the academy, I told mother about what's going on inside of me, and more importantly, what I have inside. 

"Is it really okay for him to be free like that, James? What if he decides to go on a rampage on the train?" 

Tell her that she has nothing to fear, James. 

"Eighty-Four told me that you have nothing to fear Mom, he won't," I assured her. 

"Whatever you say, son. I still don't trust your other half." 

Ever since last night, everyone has been on edge in regard to Eighty-Four and if he can truly be trusted. Since his introduction in the Magus Exam, it took a lot of convincing for Head Mistress to take off the incantation. She even taught Julia the incantation before we left, just in case. After doing so, we all talked for a while, and Eighty-Four had mentioned that he has the ability to sense the other Constructors. That gave Head Mistress the idea of having Eighty-Four reluctantly be our tracker and have that be the plan. 

Since then, he's been behaving himself very well, only popping in to have a quick conversation and going back to wherever he goes. I trust that he'll be helpful because he said the closest Constructor he can sense is in Mormore City. So that's where our journey begins. 

Suddenly, we felt a little push then saw the train began to go forward, and before I could move, Julia jumped to the window to look out, leaving me trapped under her. "The train is moving!!" 

"We can switch sides if you want to look out the window Jules," I grunted out, so we happily switched sides. I didn't mind it because I got to see the enjoyment on Julia's face; her childish excitement reminded me of when we were kids and how she wanted to do so many things when we got adopted and got older. Now we have that chance and with our mother to add to it, but when I looked back at mom to tell her something, she made a somewhat somber expression as she stared at Julia. There was something else mother was not telling us, and I didn't need to sense that to know. I didn't want to press on the issue. We just got out of Lucks Heart and began the five-hour ride to Mormore City, the City of Songs.

Back up at the academy....

Head Mistress looked from her balcony down at the train station and watched as the bullet train that headed to Mormore City sped away to its destination. She felt confident that the two siblings were prepared for the journey ahead, but she still felt a little uneasy about their mother. 

"Something bothering you, Amelia? You've been awfully silent since I came in." Feng walked over and hopped onto the railing. 

"There's still so much I don't know about their mother, like their father." Head Mistress turned around and leaned on the railing to think. 

"I'm still shocked that Kaisa the Merciless had children, let alone them being James and Julia. Whoever the man is must be someone important because there are no citizens that can be powerful mages like those two." Feng stated. 

"I know, but there's another matter involving their mother that's bothering me." 

"Which is?" 

"The day that she came, a massive crowd of students rushed over and saw her with the two siblings. Ever since then, the rumors have been going around, and soon some will write to their families. Seraphim will not be kind to those two when it finds out that their children of Kaisa the Merciless." 

"Why not just erase their memories of that?" 

"It happened so suddenly that I can't recall every single person that was there. It would be impossible now to find every person and wipe their memories. I'm praying to the Five that this doesn't hinder their journey because we need the five Constructors back." 

"I don't believe you ever told me why we need them. What's coming Amelia?" 

"To tell you the truth, Feng...I don't know, but you've seen what those two are capable of. And if their ancestors' creator is that strong, then I'm afraid for Seraphim's safety." 

"What are you so afraid of? You were granted eternal life and are one of the most powerful mages I know. How can you be so afria—" Feng stopped his question when he looked at Head Mistress's face streaming with tears. 

"Because I'm afraid of being one of the only few people to see the aftermath of whatever is coming Feng. Seraphim has been a wonder to see grow over the last ten thousand years, but I'm getting the feeling that it will all crumble before me by this creator." 

"Then I'll pray to the Five that those two and the other three Constructors will be our saviors once again."

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