Chapter 3 A Second Chance

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I knew there was no way that I would be able to sit up on my own. I could feel the stitches on my chest, and there was a lot of them. I felt something on the palm of my left hand, and I lifted whatever it was up to my face to see it. It was a remote. They must've placed it there just in case I needed to call for a nurse. I pressed the call button and seconds later I heard the door open. Lifting my head up, I saw a doctor and a nurse at the door with astonished looks on their faces. 

"I can't believe it. This is the work of Holy Five." The doctor said with his mouth gaping open. 

"I'll call for Father Alric immediately!" The nurse ran back out to wherever and the doctor walked to my bedside. 

"Son how are you feeling right now?" he asked. 

"My chest hurts every time I breathe, but other than that I feel okay." I answered him, and he sighed in relief. "Just how long have I been out for doc?" 

"You've been out for a week now son. We honestly have no idea how you survived with a cut that deep. Everyone thought you wouldn't come back. And if you didn't notice, you don't have your right arm anymore." 

"Yeah, I noticed that. The Archangel got it attacked me. Wait, Cherry, where is she?" I grabbed the doctor's sleeve, and he looked puzzled. 

"No one has seen the girl ever since she brought you to us. She's the one that told us everything about you, and after you were brought to the operating room, she vanished. Also, did you say Archangel?" 

"Dr. William, Father Alric is here." The nurse from earlier came back. 

"We'll talk later son." Doctor William tapped my shoulder and walked out of the room with the nurse. 

The sound of Father Alric's boots was a pleasant sound to hear as he walked over to my bedside. He reached out to me, and I held his hand tightly. The feeling of his hand was almost overwhelming to me because I didn't know if I would ever feel another person's warmth again. I would've used my other hand to hold it even tighter, but then I remembered that I had lost my forearm. "James, I'm so happy that you're okay. The Gods truly blessed you and your sister." Father Alric lifted my hand onto his forehead. 

"Father...I saw it, the Void. There was nothing but black all around me, and I felt nothing, it was...horrific." I started to cry again, and I was absolutely overjoyed that I could feel the tears run down my face again. 

"I know James, but it's okay. You're back with us now. The Gods gave you a second chance." 

"And I won't take it for granted. But you said my sister was also blessed. What do you mean?" 

"Oh, you'll see when you get out of ICU in another day or two. James, everyone was praying for you. They'll be thrilled to hear you're back. I'll leave you to rest now. I'll see you when you get out." Father Alric got up and walked out of the room. 

What did he mean by 'my sister was also blessed'? What happened to her while I was out and what happened to Cher? Is the Archangel still out there? There are so many questions running through my head right now, but I'm going to have to wait till I get out of here to find the answers. 

Two days later...

After the ICU, they brought me to a regular hospital room where I could somewhat relax. It still hurt to try and sit up on my own, so they gave me an adjustable bed to help me sit up which helped a lot. Once I got comfortable, the doctors allowed me to have visitors, and the first person to visit was Father Alric again. 

He came during the afternoon and brought me many, many get well gifts that the other kids had made for me. "They all went to work making their gifts for you the moment I told them you woke up." He smiled warmly which lighten my heart. 

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