Chapter 32 Into the Fire Pt. 1

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We had to jump from roof to roof to get to wherever Luna was taking us. As we passed, I could see below us large crowds walking the streets, and those crowds were the criminals looking for us. They know that we're the children of Kaisa the Merciless and will do anything to have our heads either for revenge or for the bounty, or both. 

"Luna, how much farther till we're there?" Julia asked, who was taking the lead while I had Luna on my back. 

"Just a couple more blocks, hopefully. He's still where I think he is." Luna quietly said the last part. 

"And if he isn't, what's Plan B?" I glanced back, and she was quiet. "Okay, I'll start thinking of Plan B then." 

"Sorry that I haven't thought this through. I didn't think this would ever happen." 

"You think we did, Luna? Just trust us when I say that we're doing all of this with just our instincts. James is good at thinking of plans on the fly. Just tell us when to stop, and we'll follow you." 

"There, the building to the right." She pointed to another hotel. "We'll need to go to the back and find a red door." 

"Alright, let's go!" I touched the floor and launched us over to the building beside the hotel and fell into the alleyway. We followed Luna to the red door, which had a large slot just above my head. She knocked on it four times, and the slot opened. 

"Password?" a grouchy man's voice spoke. 

"King," Luna replied, and the man closed the slit and opened the door. 

"It's been awhile since I've seen you, Luna. Came here for the favor the boss owes you?" 

"Yeah, is he still here?" Luna asked. Her tone suddenly changed to being more serious. I kinda tilted back when she spoke. 

"Yeah, follow me, and I'll take you to him." The grouchy man beckoned us to follow. 

"Whatever happens, stay behind me." Luna looked back at us and went in, and we followed behind. Inside it was just a hallway that led to a single door at the end. The hall was almost pitch black, only lit by dim light bulbs that were on the walls, but I could sense from the ground that we weren't the only ones in it. Just beyond the walls, I could sense several dozen thugs ready to attack with their weapons, guns, and magic. And I could tell that Julia was detecting them too because she held onto the back of my shirt again. Bianca was also holding my jacket, but I wasn't sure if she really knew how much trouble we were in. 

"Who are your friends, Luna? You know only a select few should know of this place," the man told Luna, but that didn't seem to faze her. 

"I'm using my favor for my friends; you already know who the older boy and girl are." 

"Yeah, they're that bitch's brats. They should be dead if they have been here for a while. But whatever you're gonna do for them, the boss will have to agree with. Here you go." The man opened the door, and we went inside. I could sense that he was getting his shotgun loaded and ready. 

The room we were in now was like an office with brighter lights than those of the hallway, so it was easier to see. The boss that the man was talking about has their chair turned away from us, so we couldn't see them, but the stuff on his desk looked precisely the same that Calem had in his office. 

"Luna, what a pleasant surprise. What brings you and your friends here?" A man's voice rang in our ears, and it sounded familiar. 

"I'm here for the favor you owe me; I'm using it to get these three out of the city to West Brooke. You're the only one that can make that possible." 

"You're right, I'm the only one that can get them out of here safely, but I must ask," the boss turned his chair around, and it was Calem from The Golden Lion. "Why to the small town of West Brooke?" 

"Wait, how are you here?" I asked before Luna could answer. 

"A little trick I picked up from one of my performers, a replication creation. The original me is back at The Golden Lion, but he can see through all our eyes, and we are connected through a deep link. The original me wants to apologize for what happened in his office, and he's glad you're alive." 

"Why do I get the feeling that he's completely lying about that," Julia whispered up to me. Luna cleared her throat to get it along. 

"Anyways...are you going to help them or not?" 

"You never answered my question, why over to West Brooke?" 

"Because that's where their mother is. She told me to tell them where she is if something happens, and I believe this qualifies Calem." 

"Fair enough. Take them back to The Golden Lion, and the original me will take them to West Brooke." 

"That's on the other side of the city, how are we supposed to get there without getting cau—" 

I covered Luna's mouth. "Shh...listen." We all went silent and listened towards the door. We could hear a commotion happening, but only me and Julia could see what was happening. Three individuals were completely slaughtering everyone that we sensed before. One of them was a swordsman, another a gunslinger, and the last one was a mage. They were fast, lethal, and professional. The three had to be bounty hunters after the bounty on our heads. "Calem, I can sense that there's no other way out of here. What do you expect us to do?" 

I turned back around, and the replica of Calem had disappeared. "That bastard left us!" 

"What do we do, Big Sister Julia?" Bianca asked helplessly, and Julia looked at me. 

"Hmm, I've got it! Everyone, grab hold of me," I said, and they held onto my arms. "Take a deep breath now!" I jumped up, and we sunk into the ground. Once we were deep enough, I propelled us through the floor back to the alleyway and threw us back up. Everyone gasped for air, but I quickly covered their mouths so that the hunters didn't hear us. "We need to move now." 

"Mhm, Bianca, get on my back. It'll be faster." Julia turned her back towards Bianca, and she hopped on. I turned my back towards Luna to let her climb on. We took to roofs once again, but the moment I touched the roof, my senses kicked in, and quickly leaned back to dodge a sniper bullet zooming past my head. 

"They have a friggin' sniper!" I screamed before they fired the second shot that I dodged. We ducked behind the ledge and had no idea what to do. Those shots alerted everyone in the area, which meant all who are after our heads are coming. "We're running out of options, and Calem had to leave us in a situation like this?!" 

"You said you were thinking of a Plan B, James, did you think of one?" 

"I did, and you're not gonna like it, sis. I'm gonna need you to use it." 

"You're kidding me, James. Now with so many people around us?!" 

"What other choice do we have? You can sense how many are already on their way to come for our bounty. You said grandma was alright with you using it, so use it!" 

"Alright, fine!" Julia got on her knees and got into a praying position. Her left arm began to envelop itself with purple smoke, and little rocks started to float around her. "Necromancy Spell: Knockout!" She slammed her hands down, letting a purple shockwave burst out and away, down towards the street, knocking out everyone in a several block radius. When she was done casting, she swayed and was about to fall, but I caught her in time. 

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