Chapter 7 Creation and Destruction Magic Pt. 2

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"Morning James!" she said gleefully. 

"Morning Uriela, you seem to be in a cheerful mood today." I smiled back. 

"Oh, it's because I heard from Madam Florence that you're going to see the Destruction Magic class today!" 

"Destruction Magic class?" I implored. 

"It's to show you the other type of magic used, and also meant to decide which magic class you're to be in." She explained. 

"What you mean by that?" 

"There's a possibility that you are more destructive than creative, so they'll test you when you get to the class. If that's the case, then it was a pleasure to have met you, James, because you won't be coming back to this class." Jackal patted my back and sat back down on his seat. 

"But I think he's more creative than destructive, so I think he'll stay here." Uriela tried her best to hide her nervousness in her voice. 

"I hope so too." 

"James Kidd," I heard Madam Florence call out to me by the door. "You're coming with me. And as for the rest of you, tell those that aren't here yet to practice their spells. Today is a free day. Enjoy it." 

All of the kids cheered as Madam Florence and I left the room and headed to the Destruction Magic's classroom. It was on the other end of the hallway, and when we got inside, it appeared that class had already begun for them. The teacher, who had their back towards us, was about to demonstrate a spell, but stopped when they heard us walk in. 

"I'm trying to have a class here, Madam Florence. What is it?" a grizzled old man asked us rudely. 

"I brought my new student to see what you guys do here, Master Ox." Madam Florence replied, ignoring Master Ox's rudeness. 

Master Ox turned around, and I was able to get a good look at him. He was a towering Ox Beast that appeared to be in his late fifties. From the look of his arms, he seemed very built. He had a grizzled old look on his face and a huge scar across his right eye. Master Ox stepped closer and took a good look at me and nodded. "It seems like I'll be getting a new student after today. Say goodbye to this boy for now, because he'll be mine." Master Ox looked down at Madam Florence with a taunting smile. 

"I don't think so. Look at his arm." Madam Florence nodded down, and he looked back down and was surprised. 

"Oh, so you're the boy I've heard so much about." He crossed his arms with a look of doubt on his face. His students began whispering and pointing at my arm, which wasn't making me feel comfortable, but then the door behind us opened again. 

"Hello, I hope I'm not in the middle of something." A cheerful man's voice spoke as he opened the door. He came in, and he looked older than Madam Florence, but younger than Master Ox. He had an airhead look on his face and was skinny, but he was as tall as Master Ox. 

"Get the hell out of my room you two. I'm trying to have class!" Master Ox shouted out with pure rage. 

"Oh, but I'm here to show my new student your class, Master Ox. Come in sweetheart." The airheaded teacher looked back at the door and saw someone stepped, and I was a little surprised to see who it was. 

"Julia?" I looked at her, and she looked a little nervous about being here. But when she saw me, that seemed to calm her a bit. 

"Hello there, brother," she waved at me. 

"You two and your students have five seconds to get out of my classroom before I force you out." Master Ox threatened, but the third teacher came forward and whispered in his ear. I had a feeling he was telling him about what happened yesterday with Julia because the look on his suggested so. "Class, I want you to practice your spells while I'm gone. I'm gonna test these two." 

The three teachers brought us to the arena where I found out I was an earth mage. Master Ox stepped to the open spot and pointed over to me. 

"Listen to me boy, the basis of Destruction Magic is using the elements to destroy your opponents in any way possible. I'm gonna hurl this ball at you, and I want you to try to think of the most destructive thing that you could do to this ball. Understand?" 

"I got it," I told him, and without warning, he hurled the ball towards me. Within a split second of it coming towards me, I thought of the most destructive thing I could do to keep it from touching me. I threw my right arm out and thought about shooting a spike out to stop it, but instead, the arm turned into a shield and bounce the ball away. The force of the ball moved me back a little, and when I looked at my shield, it left a small dent in it. 

I'm worried for Julia if that's what he plans on throwing at her. 

"Looks like he's still mine, Master Ox!" Madam Florence said proudly, and that made him growl. 

"Alright, girl, you're up." He pointed to Julia, so we changed places. I stood beside Madam Florence and the other teacher, trying to hide my worry for her. 

"I sense that you're worried for your sister, James." The airheaded teacher leaned down to me. 

"I know Julia, and she's not a destructive person, she's the complete opposite. If anything, I'm the destructive one." I replied. 

"Maybe, but she told me that you helped her with the old ward she brought out yesterday. That ward my boy..." 

"Here it comes!" Master Ox threw the ball at Julia. 

"Is powerful Destruction Magic." 

Julia swung her left arm out and the purple mist I saw last night came back. From the mist and her hand, a white orb appeared, and she shot it at the ball. The moment the two touched, a massive explosion detonated before it reached everyone. I was able to slam my hands down and create a wall between us. This explosion felt different from anything I've blocked before. I could feel myself being drained, and when the blast was gone, I suddenly felt weaker. I moved the walls back down, and we were all able to see the damage the explosion caused. It had wrecked the entire arena to rubble, except for the spots where we stood. 

That's impossible...Julia isn't destructive, and yet she was able to do this. 

Julia looked over at me in horror and tears falling down her face. She felt the same way. She ran over to me and dropped to her knees. 

"Julia, what's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" I looked at her worried and confused. 

"James, your face, your hair, it's white now." She pointed at my face. I touched the skin on my face, and it felt wrinkly, like an old person's skin. Then I checked my hair by grabbed a few strands and pulling it over my forehead to where I could see it, and she was right; my hair was white now. 

"Julia, I feel really weak all of a sudden," I said before falling back and blacking out. 

"James!" Julia picked up her brother and held him close. "Is he still alive, Master Langley?" 

"I can sense his heartbeat, but his vigor is almost completely gone. It's like he's aged drastically." Master Langley stopped himself and came to a realization. "Master Ox, we need to get this boy to the infirmary now! He may not have much time left!"

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