Husband material

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I couldn't even tear my eyes away from my walking talking orgasm of a husband. I mean my God he looks so delicious. He looks like a snack, has nice Cake (ass) His arms are thick and so are his thighs.

When he wears certain items of clothing I about lose my shit. Or when I am doing something and I see him in shorts and a tank or something tight fitted I lose all focus on that and just take him all in.

He teases and jokes about catching me drool which I reply he is drooling-worthy which made him laugh to the point of tears like when he was laughing about Hard cheeses in an interview with his fellow cast member for mission impossible.


"We have all heard of boyfriend material but you switched it up to husband material," I tell Henry when he stands before me in a wool-like sweater.

He looked at me with his infamous arched brow.


"Husband material?"

I nodded

"Why not leave it, boyfriend?"

"Cause your, my husband."

He nodded as he folded his arms.

There went all my train of thought right out the dang window, like aways. But I am in No way complaining. Unless of course we are fighting ( not physical) or disagreeing about something and he does things that make me lose focus.


"So who all have to talk to about Husband material?" Henry asked when he walked over and joined me at the kitchen bar.

I looked at him in no mood for joking or teasing.

"What?" he asked noticing my mood.

"Not in the mood for teasing or joking" I state

"Why what happened or what is wrong?"

I sighed and sat there and told him.

"Sorry about that."

"Not your fault, everyone makes fun of me for me calling your sweaters that I wear husband material" I state.

"It's not right of them to do."

"I know and I also no it's useless to say anything cause it goes in one ear and out the other."

He stood up and wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped mine around his waist and laid my head on his shoulder.

And of course, my beautiful, amazing, caring, sexy man is wearing his wool like swearter that is husband material.

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