He hears Fye and I get into it

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I had caught Fye chatting with an older guy on the computer and they planned to meet up. 

ButI interviened and told her that it wasn't gonna happen then I llet the sick pervvert who asked for nudes know that he been messagin the girl and that every thing he has sent or said will be turned in to the law and he will be arrested.

"Are you mad?" Fye asked

"No. I am not mad Fye and am saving you from being kidnapped and raped" I tell her

"How do you know what would have happened?" 

"That was an older man, who you have no buissness talking to. and I am positive your dad warned you about doing this" I tell her

I didn't hear Walt come in the house or approach us.

"YOUR NOT MY MOM" Fye yelled

"I know I am not your mom but while you in this house and i am resposible for you I will not allow you to talk to some sick pervet who wants nudes of you" I tell her

"What is going on?"

I turn and see Walt walk up to us.

"She is trying to control my life,  like she is you or mom" Fye said 

"Oh really? do tell your dad what you was being asked of you by some old perv on the computer."

She looked at me as if she hated me which I can live with that then having her rapped and Walt have the case then deal with knowing that this was going on and nothing was being said.

"Fye" Walt said looking at her

"Nothing bad was being said" Fye exclaimed

I handed the papers that contained every single message the two of them exchanged to Walt.

"Here read them and you see what was said" I tell him.

He stands there reading everything that was said on there.

I heard the door open and close again and I looked over seeing Fye's mom.

"Mom can we leave please?" Fye asked

"Yea, but what is going on?" she asked

"I caught Fye talking to some pervert who was asking for nudes, when I intervvened she got upset" I explained then pointed to the papers that Walt had.

She walked over an took the ones Walt had read and read them.

"I told him everythng that he said to her will be turned into the law and he will be dealt with" I told them.

"It's no big deal" Fye exclaaims

"No big deal?" her mom asks

"This guy is wanting nude pictures of you. and your telling us it's no big deal after I told you from the first time on dealing with people you was talking to that you claimed was nothing" Walt said 

Fye groaned and folded her arms.

"This wouldn't be happening if she minded her own buissness" Fye says

"I am glad that she didn't and watch how you talk to her. You will not be rude when she all but saved your from being kiddnapped and rape or murdered" Fye's mom said 

Fye rolled her eyes.

"Apoolpgize to her now, and hand over your laptop you are grounded from your phone and computer" Walt tells Fye.

"That isnt fair" Fye exclaims

"Life isnt fair fye, be glad she stepped in and dealt with that sicko. who know what plans he had for you. and the grounding goes for when your at home too" her mom says.

Fye throws her arms down and stomps.

"Do you want to be grounded for a year?" Walted asked

"No, I dont want to be grounded at all" Fye replied

"Well you are" her mom says

"Now appologize" Walt said 

Fye looked at me rolled her eyes and mumbled her appology

"Thats it your grounded for three months" Walt said 

" at home as well" her mom said 


"Instead of being thankful to your stepmom your being dissrespectful, when you have no right for it and she doesn't deserve it" her mom tells her.

She sighs.


After they leave Walt calls the computer guys at his work and has them track the user name the guy was using and run a background on him and have the information laid on his desk first thing tommorrow morning.

Once he hung up he walked over to me.

"Hey are you alright?" 

I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I rather her not like me or hate me right now then having her raped,kiddnapped or murdered" I tell him

He kisses my forehead.

"Thank you so much for steppign in and dealing with this."

I nodded and tilted my head up and kisseed him softly before placing my head agianst his chest as we stand there wrapeepd up in each others arms.

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