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I am a fairy. And never in all my life have I ever met a witcher. I have heard of them But never had I met one until one fateful night.


I was knelt down my the Doe that just got harmed and I was helping it. When I heard movement.

I lost consentration when a huge creature and human like man appeared out of the water.

I seen all white hair and amour while the foul creature screamed out and fought the guy.

I stood up and petrified the creature which aided the man in help. He jumped up out of the water and stuck his sword through its head.

I knelt back down and focused back on the fawn. But since I was to distracted the Fawn became worse far beyond how I could help it. 

I heard the white haired man I helped walk out of the water.

"Today isn't your day is it" He said to the Doe before he killed it right before my very eyes.

"How dare you" I siad as I stood up and walked over to him.

He looked at me a little shocked but that was quickly revoked.

"How dare I what, the creature was injured" he replied

"I would never have guessed that Witcher" I replied back

He shook his head

"What is a woman like you doing in the middle of the woods?"

"Helping a Witcher keep his life" I replied

"You didn't help me."

"Oh so that kikimora petrified it's self did it?"

He looked at me and sighed then walked passed me. I followed him a bit before I stopped and just looked at him.

"The poliet word is thank you, I am sure where you had your training they probably failed to train you in manners. But I will gladly teach a witcher how to say thank you for saving my life."

He stopped mid ways to the brown horse and looked over his shoulder at me and I no longer seen pitch black eyes, I saw beautiful golden eyes.

He turned and walked back to me.

"My training wasn't for manners, and I don't need manners" he said 

"Well When I just saved your ass you need to say thank you. I mean two words won't kill you" I replied

He said nothing just walked up to me.

"Your not human."

"Neither are you, but I am not like you. I am a creature if you want to lable what I am as such, I am a Fairy" 

"I know I smell you."

"Yea and I smell you and trust me it's not a pretty scent."

He glared at me.

"All me to help you out with claning up, I am sure your noble horse will not want you to ride her while you smell of kikimora."

"I don't want your help."

"Oh don't be such a whinny Witcher, you can accept this help."

I didn't take no for an anwser and he fought me all the way to my home where I finally silenced him and just told him that he will bath here, no charge un like what a brothel will charge him.

I disspeared into my bathroom and filled the tub with hot water before I walked out where the white haired witcher granted me a view of his yummy self. I had to gather my self before I tackled the poor man.

I cleared my throat and he looked at me.

"Not gonna join me?"

"Is that an invite?"

"it is."

I smiled and beconed him to me before I walked back into the bathroom where I stripped down and climbed into the tub before he came over and joined me.

"Name is Fea by the way" I said as he sat before me.

"I am Geralt."

"Nice to meet you formally" I replied

He hummed and smiled

"I am sorry for my attitude back at the river. I am not like that" I say

"You have nothing to apologize for, I was in the wrong by being rude" he clarifies.

"Well I forgive you if you forgive me for the smell comment"

He smiled and nodded.

I held my hand out and he took it and pulled me up against him before rubbing the side of my neck before he pulled my closer and pressed his lips against mine. 

I closed my eyes and ran my fingers through his hair as I started kissing him.


Since that day Geralt and I have been traveling companions and we are also lovers.


A/N: was requested... and I hope you liked it, never wrote anything like this so I just winged it.

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