Stick and Fatso

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Miami, Florida; March 16, 2010

Sinuhe's Pov

"Ready?" Jay, one of our radio producer asked as Mike and I nod our heads in response. "3...2...1." He mouthed with a thumbs up as the red button lights up, indicating that we're now live on air.

"Goooooood morning to all of you, Miami people!!" I greeted with full of energy in my voice and a wide smile plastered on my lips. "We're back again to another Sinu and Mike show with my bestfriend, Mike Jauregui! Goodmorning to you, my handsome bestfriend."

Mike chuckled on the mic while looking at me. "Hello and goodmorning to you too. You're more beautiful than the morning if you think about it. We're here again, DJ Mike and DJ Sinu, to give you advices."

"Yes, you're right Bff. Only here at Sinu and Mike show, especially to our cuties out there." I waved my hands at the audience outside the room who came all the way just to see us.

Mike also waved his hand while smiling. "To our supporters, thank you very much." I glance at him for a quick second just to see his precious smile one more time before I look away so he won't notice that I'm looking at him.

I cleared my throat before I speak. "Hey, Bff."

"Hmm?" Mike hummed in response.

"You know in our lives, we should have a stoplight."

"Stoplight?" Mike's eyebrows furrowed, "What makes you say that, DJ Sinu?"

"So we should know when to stop and go." I look at him while smirking that caused him to chuckle.

"Take it easy, my beautiful Bff. It's still early and yet you're going emotional already."

"I'm not emotional Bff, it's just that it's a puzzle to me why life is so fast, in our work and in our lives."

"You know DJ Sinu, come to think of it, you were right with what you said earlier about life. We really need to put a stoplight so we will know when to stop."

"Yes, so we know when to stop and when to go."

"Yup, especially when it comes to love. Like what you said, we need to know when to start and know how to end, right? Stop and go."

"Do you know where I am coming from, DJ Mike?"

"That's my next question for you. Where are you coming from and why is this our topic for today?"

"Yes, dear friends and listeners. This is because of our listener, Ms. Amelia Dickinson. Hello, Ms. Amelia. Goodmorning."


After the radio show, I go straight home so I can take care of my two little daughters, Camila (8 yrs old) and Sofia (2 yrs old). I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Sinuhe Estrabao Cabello, a single hard working mother since my husband and I are now legally separated. In morning, I used to be a radio DJ with the man I'm inlove with for years, my bestfriend, Mike Jauregui. I met Mike when I was new in this line of work. Eventually, we got close and became friends. He's the type of man that was so easy to get along with. He's gentleman, he's sweet, he's caring, and friendly as well so it's not that hard for me to fell inlove with him in just a short period of time since we've met way back 2006.

"Mama, look!" My little Camila was running towards my direction while holding tons of medals and framed certificates as well. I immediately kneel on the ground and welcome her in my arms.

"Wow, my daughter is really smart! And you also got a lot of awards." I smiled as I took the framed certificate from Camila. "Look Ma, she got all these awards. Let me see, best in English, Best in Mathematics, Best in Science and Best in Conducts." I shift my eyes on my baby with a wide smile plastered on my lips.

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