You're... You're My Roommate?!

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Camila's Pov

Sun touches my skin and the cold air of New York city blew coming from the open window right beside my bed is what wakes me up from my peaceful sleep. I honestly miss this feeling. The only difference now is that...I'm living alone in a small dorm near Princeton. Ever since I left New York for 2 months, lots of things happened. For starters, my mom decided to pulled out Sofi's transcript and documents from her school here in NYC for safety purposes. I kinda agreed to it since what happened with Ross is really traumatic. And I'm sad because I used to wake up with my sister's annoying voice and now it's just me, alone in this small four corner walls. My sister is practically my human alarm clock aside from Ally. Speaking of Allyson Brooke Hernandez, she'll stop for a few months or so because of family issues that she needs to settle in her hometown, Texas. As for Dinah Jane, the reason why we don't live in one house anymore is because her family decided to finally moved in here in NYC and settle for good. While Shawn, he dropped out from Princeton and decided to pursue his passion in singing. Ever since he joined that competition and won, thankfully, lots of talent scouts are approaching him so Shawn finally took the opportunity and grab it. And now he's currently residing in LA. I'm so damn happy for him, honestly. So here I am, alone. That's like basically the whole reason why I'm living here all by myself and waiting for my roommate, if there's any.

But I don't think that living all by myself away from my parents and sister is such a bad thing at all. Actually, I think it's a good thing so I can start practicing me being an independent woman. Right now, is my first day again after being away for a few months. Though today is Saturday and no classes is being held at Princeton, the head of Theatre Club left me an email last night telling me to audition for the role of Snow White which I would LOVE to do since I have a very unhealthy obsession when it comes to Disney Princesses.

The said audition is around 10:00 am and right now is currently 7:00 am sharp so I still have 3 hours to prepare. I jump off of my bed and walk over to the mini kitchen to make myself a coffee. I don't think I need to run to the nearest supermarket since my mom packed me so much foods-instant noodles, plátanos, I mean, so many!

I open the kitchen cabinet that's been placed at the top of the sink to get my sugar and cream and put it all in my coffee before I walk towards the window. I lift up my window pane so I can take a seat at the edge and enjoy the view of the street outside.

While sipping at my coffee, the built in landline that was placed right beside my door suddenly rings. I hurriedly run towards it to pick it up since only the management of this building can call in that said landline.


"Miss Cabello?"


"Good morning, this is Patrick from the desk lobby speaking."

"Oh yes, good morning Patrick."

"I'd like to inform you that you already have a roommate."

"That quick?" I asked in surprise. Normally, it usually takes 2 weeks or so before someone in here found a roommate so I'm really surprise that I ended up having someone to share a room with so fast.

"Yes. Actually, your roommate is already in front of your door."

"In front??" I quickly put down the phone and take a peek at the little hole built at the top side of the door. "Roger?!" I quickly open the door with my knitted eyebrows.

"Good morning, Miss Cabello. Did I wake you up?"

"You''re my roommate?!"

"Actually," Roger cleared his throat. "It's-"

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