It's Me. I Am the April Fool

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Camila's Pov

Dinah and I are sitting cross legged in the hallway, sharing a vanilla-banana mixed flavored ice cream. I've been telling her about what happened last night and how Victoria entered the picture so innocently and so naturally. And ofcourse, Dinah reacted pretty aggressive about it like she always does. "And you believe her?" She scoff, "Walz, being friends with your ex is like you're telling me there's a camel living in North Pole."

"But there's no camel in North Pole."

"Exactly! It doesn't exist! There's no such thing as being friends with your ex. That's bullshit."

"I have a trust on her, Dinah." I said, so sure about it. I mean, I truly am. It's not like I doubt Lauren even a single heartbeat.

"Yeah, me too. But I don't trust Victoria. It's so obvious that she's still In love with Lauren and she's making a way to get her back."

"What should I do then?"

"Say it to her straight, Walz. No more perfecting this moment. No more romantic scheme. Just go ahead and tell her. I'll back you up. After our first class we'll go."

"Okay." I nod my head at Dinah's proposal. I think in this kind of situation, romantic speeches better saves at the last minute before anything that exist on this earth interrupted us again.

When the bell surrounds the hallway, Dinah and I grab our stuff and walk over to our first class. Our professor discuss few lesson and the rest of the class period we've spent it doing plates. After class, I go straight to the bathroom to pee while Dinah's patiently waiting for me outside so we can talk to Lauren.

When I push the door, I instantly regret the feeling of needing to pee when I saw Victoria inside who's currently putting some lip balm to her lips. Our eyes met when she look at me through the mirror. I quickly withdraw my eyes from her and look somewhere else as I try to walk casually like there's no one inside.

"Hey," Victoria said but it doesn't sound as if she's greeting happily to see me. Ofcourse not, an ex-lover will never greet her ex's present lover happily.

"Hey," I said back. I continue to walk to one of the empty stall when Victoria says something that made me stop from my tracks.

"Thanks for keeping my girl busy while I'm away. I really appreciate it."

I furrowed my eyebrows before turning around to face her, "Excuse me?"

"Just so you know, the only reason why Lauren showed interest in you was to make me jealous. Her ego couldn't take the fact that I dumped her over a phone call and for a boy. She was using you. Trust me, she is."

I stand still like a soldier in the battlefield and my gun is the love that we feel for each other. It was strong and it was true, that's our love. And I am sure as hell it's not just some game, "Lauren loves me as much as I love her."

Victoria chuckled, "Really? But she still come running whenever I called. That's because she loves me. She will never love another girl as much as she loves me. Lauren is always and will forever be mine. She belongs to me, Camila." Her words seems to pleased herself as Victoria plastered a very assuring smile. So sure to herself and so sure to her words.

"May I remind you that you're her past and I'm her present." I said, making Victoria chuckled while crossing her arms against her chest.

"It's funny. Just few days ago she was assuring me that I was her present and not too long ago she swore to me that I'll be her future. If I was her past, why did she tell me she still wants my lips against hers?" My heart goes up to my throat that I can't even say a thing except to just look at Victoria. She's lying. She's definitely lying. I keep reminding myself so I won't lose in this mind games orchestrated by her.

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