A Magical Kiss is the Answer for the Sleeping Princess

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Lauren's Pov

It's been 6 hours since the shoot out happened and until now Camila's still unconscious. Though my body is aching as hell, I refuse to leave Camila's side and just patiently waiting for her to wake up. Now it's clear to me what's his real purpose and even Papa Cabello's words when we talked at the coffee shop a couple these days ago. This is what he means when he told me that he'll take Ross far far away to make Camila and Sofi safe. They...they both died. It's so crazy to think how Papa Cabello predicted all of this will happen. Ross at that time, he's aiming for Camila's head but then when I stabbed him at his shoulder with all of my might, he misaim it and instead, he shot Camila at the shoulder followed by another shot coming from the police. We were so lucky that they came on time because if they didn't, I don't think Camila and I will make it out alive in that hell hole Ross put us in.

I slowly lift up my hand and I can't help not to groan in pain silently because of the beatdown I've received. But even so, every pain I'm enduring right now is nothing compared to the feeling of holding Camila's hand. I caress the back of her hand using my thumb, squeezing it 3 times. And even though I don't like to smile, it's like my lips has it's own brain cause now, I'm all smiling like a fool. I look at Camila who's still peacefully sleeping. I took my time, plenty of time, to admire the girl I'm deeply In love with. From her eyebrows, her lashes, her pointed nose, her perfect jawline, her breathtaking side profile, everything is perfect. In my eyes, Camila is beyond perfect and I don't think that word is enough to describe how fucking amazing she is. I'm In love seeing her bright smile and how her eyes squint, I'm In love to how her chest go rise and fall, I'm In love with her curves and all of her edges, I'm In love to all of her imperfections, her flaws, I mean, even the single strand of her hair, I'm In love with that.

Before an arrow hit my heart, my parameters when it comes to love is...nothing. I mean, I used to like and love a woman because of their looks and I honestly really don't care if they will just come and go cause I mean, that's that. And compared it to now, I can say that what I feel towards Camila is beyond something I've ever imagined. I've fell off a cliff, so deep, I don't think I can even recover or even get back at the top and run away. But even if I can, I know no matter where I go, whatever path I'll walk through, it will always lead me back home-and that is Camila. She's my home, my safe haven, my sun, my end and my beginning, my downfall, my muse, my worst distraction, the air I need to breathe, my rhythm and blues. All I'm saying is that, Camila's my everything. And knowing that if ever god gave me a chance to restart my life from the very beginning, back to the scratch, I'd still would go through all this pain again, as long as I got her in the end cause man! She's so dang worth it! And I know this love, what I'm feeling is something real. The arrow hit way too hard and deep inside my chest, I fell way too hard and there's no turning back now.

Still holding Camila's hand, I feel like I've been waiting here for eternity. I'm not really a fan of waiting game so I tried to think of something in hopes of I can wake Camila up, "Camz, what should I do to wake you up? Well, I have few ideas in my head right now so I'll probably go with the first one."

I cleared my throat before I speak again, "I'm going to tell you a secret. Remember when we had our first date at the carnival? How you told me you used to loved me before? Well, I figured out just now that I might also spill what 8 year old Lauren felt back then. You know, to be fair. But you're sleeping so..." I shrugged both of my shoulders, "Not my fault why you will miss it. Well, I remember we always use to hang out and you're always bullying me for being fat and I honestly want to choke you and at the same time I don't want to because you're like my very bestfriend. But there's this one night when we're both watching a movie at your house. My dad allowed me to have a sleep over at your place and we sneaked out around 10 pm just to watch a disney movie with no sounds at all so Mama Cabello or your grandma won't catch us. We were like giggling all night, trying so hard to understand what they're saying until you fell asleep in my lap. I can remember how I ran my fingers through your hair, watching you easily drift from your sleep, soft snores escaping from your lips, how your chest go rise and fall with every seconds passed, and while looking at you, I felt something inside my chest. It was my heart beating, triples times. After that night, the 8 year old me always gets conscious when you're around, nervous when you're close, can't look straight in your eyes. I'm always yearning for your soft warm hands to touch mine. And at that time, I know I'm crushing over my bestfriend whom I have no chance with. When you stay with me when we got lost at the forest, how you tried your best to comfort me, be strong and a brave girl just for me even though I can see in your eyes that you're scared as well or how you looked at me while I'm not looking, all of that put me in a state of admiring you as my 8 year old ass named the term of I fell In love with my best friend. So yeah, you're not the only one who catch feelings. I did too."

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