Love, Amelia Jauregui

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Lauren's Pov

I hurriedly run inside the house to check if the small box finally arrive cause I honestly can't wait to see it.


"It's already in your room, Young master."

Fucking finally!

I rush upstairs and close the door of my room. At my desk, there's a small black box with a dark blue ribbon on top with card glued on it that says...

To my lovely daughter, Lauren.
Amelia Jauregui.

I can feel my heart squeezing tightly inside my chest as I took the box and sit on my bed before opening it.

Inside was a cassette tape and a video player for it. Feeling all the emotions ruining through my veins, I quickly put the cassette tape on the player and eagerly press the play button.

At the beginning of the video, there's a woman who looks exactly like me except that her hair was a little curly and dark brown. She's wearing a hospital gown, looking very weak. What hurts me most while staring at her is that she's still smiling even though she's in pain of something I don't even know.

"You're all set." A voice of a woman echoed around which I assumed is the one who's taking this video.

My mom fixed her hair and flash her warmest smile, "Lauren, my daughter." As soon as I heard my name slip out from her lips, tears fall down on my cheeks, making my visions blurry. "There are so many things that I wanted to tell you. Personally." My mom paused for a minute, taking a sighed before she continue, "But first and for most, I want to ask for your forgiveness. Forgive me for missing all of your birthdays, for not being there when you needed someone, for not being there when you're sick, for leaving you." Tears continuously running down on my face same goes to my mom, "God knows how much I badly want to stay. But I really need to leave and go far far away. I'm so sorry..." A long silence surround the room before she speak again, "Enough about that," She chuckled that made me chuckle as well, "By the time you're watching this, you're probably a grown up woman and a College student. I'd like to say that I am sooooo proud of what you've became as a person and what you're about to become in the future. You know when I was at your age, I never really wanted to be a CEO who manage the company. You know what I want? To be an Engineer and build homes for people. That was like my dream...and I hope it's your dream too. But whatever it is that you want, I will support you and know that I will always be proud of you. I'm so happy that you're my daughter, my child, my own. You and Taylor. I love you, Lauren. Take care of yourself always, hmm? Also! Before I forgot, protect your heart at all cost, okay? Promise me that. I don't want to see you crying from up there. Also, I have a favor to ask you. Whoever it is that you fall in love in the future, don't forget to introduce that someone to me, hmm? I love you." My Mom smiled for the last time as she sent a dozen of flying kisses before the video finally comes to an end.

Now I'm left here alone in my room, feeling miserable. Again. I don't think there's a greater pain other than this. Than losing your mom the same time you were born in this world.

"Lauren," I shift my eyes on the door as it slowly open, revealing Roger who's looking at me worriedly.

I quickly wipe away my tears as he sat next to me, "My mom...she didn't die in complication when she gave birth to me, right?"

"Yes." I heard Roger sighed deeply, "She had a very serious brain disease."

"Why didn't you tell me? I at least deserve to know the truth!"

"You're too young to understand such things like that."

"It was my mom's dream to be an Engineer, do you know that? And she hoped it will be my dream too."

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