Vee for Victoria or Vee for Victor?

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Camila's Pov

It's Sunday night and we're out here in the mall to grocery shop since we're running out of stock of goodies in the kitchen. I cling my arms around Lauren while we're causally walking around the mall.

"Which one do you prefer? That?" Lauren suddenly asked, referring to my arms clinging around hers, "Or this?" Then the green eyed girl pulled her arm away from me so she can put it around my shoulder.

"I love both."

"Choose one, Camz. Don't be selfish."

I playfully slap her fluffy stomach, "I think I prefer this. I feel super safe and secure." And then I put my arm around her waist and the green eyed girl just simply smile and says, "Okay."

Lauren is the one who's pushing the cart while I'm the one tossing everything off the cart like everything you grab in here is free.

"Dairy milk!" I squealed, tossing 3 bars of hazel peanut flavoured, 3 big bars of Toblerone and 2 small box of Ferrero Roche. And then we head over to more foods section and all the products that's cute and delicious in my eyes, I toss it in the cart right away until I didn't notice it's already overloading and we haven't got the must have stuff that we need at the dorm.

And since Lauren's a richy and kind hearted human, she pay the whole cart and got another new empty cart for the must have stuff. I feel a little bit guilty but Lauren assure me that it's okay and that she wants me to get fat because I'm so thin.

"Camz, look." Lauren raised a bamboo charcoal toothbrush and it is so cute. It was literally made of bamboo with a panda design in it.

"That's so cute!" I snatch it from her hand so I can take a good look at it.

"Toss it in. I can feel that toothbrush will inspire me to brush my teeth daily."

I make a you're so gross, I'll never kiss you again look and Lauren just crack a small laugh. I know she always brush her teeth more times than every person does in a day. That's how conscious she is when it comes to herself. Lauren always smells so good and her breath always smells like green mint. God, how I love that smell!

We also grab some first aid kit since there's nothing provided at the dorm, just in case something happen. We also toss bunch of frozen fries, frozen pizza, cereals and milk, banana (it's the most needed stuff above all), and then we pass on to some Christmas decorating stuff.

"Hey, what's your plan? Christmas is almost near."

"I'll be spending my Christmas back home."

Lauren frowns, "We'll be spending this year's Christmas away from each other. It is so sad, right?"

"It's only 10 days though."

"10 days feels like 10 years without you, you know?"

"I have an idea!" I nudge at her arm excitedly at the sudden thought and Lauren seems to be hype about it.

"What, what, what?"

"Since we're not going to spend Christmas together, why don't we celebrate in advance? At the dorm?"

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