Special Chapter - Hailee

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A/N: I'm in a mood to write a special chapter for Hailee about her complicated relationship with Camila and at the same time being inlove with Meghan. Also, a little background about Hailee which is kinda similar to my situation and past experienced 😂 There's a part of me that wants Hailee and Camila to be a thing since they look so cute together while other part of me wants Camila and Lauren. I'm also planning to write a special chapter for Dinah and Normani about their relationship throughout the story of this book. Anyway, enjoy reading folks 😆❤️

; Hailee or Lauren?


Can someone love two persons at the same time?

Maybe? I don't know. Most cases, people usually fall out of love to their current partner just to fall inlove with someone new. There are also who think that it's possible to fall inlove with two persons at the same time. Maybe because that person brings out their confident, sexy side and they love them for that. Whereas the second person might make them feel safe, loved, and deeply connected.

And I think I'm in this kind of situation where I'm caught in between. I thought it's just Meghan that I want. I thought I will be happy if I chose Meghan. But...part of me isn't happy at all. I know I hurt Camila but I'm sure as hell it's not guilt that I'm feeling right now.

What is it then?

I don't know.

Was it jealousy that you feel everytime you'll see Camila with Lauren?

Maybe. I'm happy for them because I know how much Lauren loves Camila even though the green eyed girl can't admit that to herself yet. But there's a sting of pain and bitterness that I feel everytime I see them together.

With that being said, you love her then?

I...I actually don't know. I'm confused. My head was filled with lots of thoughts about Camila to the point where my head is about to explode. And I don't want to cheat to Meghan just because I have this unsure feelings towards the brown eyed girl.

I stayed at the cabin of my Grandpa's here in Cranberry Lake located in Northwest part of New York City. It is a secluded part of the state. It is hidden away from the touristy attractions so the isolation was literally worth it if you're seeking for a place where you can disconnect yourself from the world for a moment.

Just you and this breathtaking nature.

I've been staying here for almost three days now. No phone, no anything. Just me taking a break from the world and everything.

I drag my favorite wooden rocking chair outside and placed it at the porch. I comfortably settle myself in and took a deep breath.

I was an introvert and when I was a child, I was diagnosed of having Autism. With Meghan's help, I somehow manage to cope up and learn how to interact with people around me as well as communicate without doing my restricted and repetitive behavior such as body movements like rocking back and forth and hand-flapping.

Throughout my childhood days, I only had four friends: Meghan, Chrissy, Billie, and Lauren. Those four persons helped me a lot especially Meghan. She's always there by my side to protect me from the kids who used to bully me because of my condition. Meghan is also the person who always believed in me the most and support me in everything that I do. With Meghan, I find myself being comfortable with me being me and me as a person with so many flaws and that it's okay because it's normal. Whenever I'm with Meghan, she makes my world a 1,000 times more better and different. And I guess because of that, I fell inlove with her. Meghan makes me a better person and that's why I love her.

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