It's Time You Came to Terms With Me and With Father

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Camila's POV

"Have you heard?" Dinah whispered in my ear while I'm busy working on my plate.

"Heard what?" I whispered back without shifting my eyes on Dinah.

"Lauren dropped out and immediately flew to Chicago. So guilty!" Dinah hissed, "Until now, I still can't believe that she can do those things to you. I mean, Lauren seems to be a good person even though she's annoying..."

And in just a blink of an eye, all I can hear is Lauren's voice and not Dinah's. Camila, I can never do that to you. Please, you have to believe me-Those words kept playing in my head over and over again. I'm confused. Lauren...she looked so sincere last night. I know because that's the only thing I can see in her eyes. I wanted to believe her, I really do. But what she did to me is still haunting me until now and it breaks my heart to think that the person I least expecting to hurt me is the one who hurt me the most. How can a perfect moment turn out in such a horrific one in just a blink of an eye? Just like that, everything changed. Yes, I've found Fatso again but she quickly disappeared again. Not only that, I think the Lauren I knew 10 years ago is no longer existing.

"...I'm so disappointed."

"Yeah," Is the only word left in my mouth as I continue to work on the plate laying right in front of me. I should stop thinking about it, seriously. Lauren left New York and I need to move on from what happened. With Ross around me, I'm safe because I know he will always be there to protect me like he always does.

"Miss Cabello and Miss Hansen, are you done with your plates?" Miss Clayson called out while eyeing at us. We shook our heads and continue to work.

For the past 30 minutes, I kept measuring and sketching yet my mind is currently not at the moment with me. My head is so occupied with so many thoughts that won't go away no matter how much I shake it all off, "Shit!" I mumbled as my measuring goes wrong. It's suppose to be 3.2 inches but since I'm not with myself at this very moment, what can I expect, right?

The bell rings around the hallway so we all stand up from seats. I put everything in my bag as the four of us walk out of the room.

My eyes wander around the hallway eyeing to every students passing by. I have no particular person looking in my head and yet my eyes kept searching at the sea of crowds as if I'm looking for someone. It's not Normani, cause I know she's still in her class since she had a different sched unlike the four of us.

"Are you guys going to eat lunch?" I withdraw my eyes from a far and focus it to Shawn instead.

"Maybe I won't. I already eat heavy breakfast this morning." -Dinah

"Me too." -Ally.

"How about you, Mila?" - Shawn

"I'll probably buy my lunch outside. My stomach is growling already." I replied when I suddenly felt a hand against my shoulder. I turn around and it was Ross, giving me a warm smile. We locked eyes for a moment, not knowing what to do next. Ever since we kissed last night, no particular label has been clear between the two of us. I mean not that I'm looking for someone right now but I really enjoy having him around me.

Our staring game lasted for about a minute before he leaned in to kiss my lips. I close my eyes and smile at the feeling but the kiss only lasted for about a few seconds before he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Hi, guys. Lunch?" Ross greeted while smiling. I wrapped my arm around his waist, shifting my brown orbs to these three who's giving us a surprise look and a teasingly smile.

"Wait! Are you" Ally asked with a knitted eyebrows.

Ross and I look at each other before we shift our eyes back to them, shrugging both of our shoulders at the same time. "It depends on Mila if she's ready. I mean, I'm not rushing into something I wanted to last forever."

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