Round 1: Ross vs. Lauren

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Lauren's Pov

I stop at my tracks when I heard that knock out jerk's voice, "So, will you give me a chance?" My eyes shifted on Camila with my jaw clenched and a knitted eyebrows.

Camila looked hesitating but as soon as her brown orbs met green, in just a blink of an eye, all the doubt and hesitation I can see in her eyes vanished and it quickly replace with a smile so I know what her answer will be.

"No!" I quickly butt in as I immediately sprint in the middle and face Ross.

"No," I repeated. This time with a firm voice while looking straight in his eyes.

He chuckled, "Are you Camila?"

"Lauren, I will give-"

I cut Camila off my glaring sharply at her over my shoulder, "Shut up or I'll kiss you!" Then I shift my eyes back on this douche, "Leave her alone."

"And why would I do that? Besides, you're the one who should leave because you're interrupting our conversation."

Without any word, I harshly grab the collar of his shirt. Looking in his eyes reminds me every words he told me about my mom which makes me want to kill him right now, "Because I won't hesitate to punch you straight in the face again!"

"Okay, enough!" Camila pulled my hand away from Ross with all of her might, "I'll see you later, Ross." Then Camila grab my hand and drag me somewhere who knows where.

"We already had this conversation, didn't we?"

"You're hesitating, Camila! I can see it in your eyes so why are you giving that douche a chance?!"

"So you want to hear it again, huh? I love him, Lauren! And I'm hesitating because I'm scared that I will hurt him."

Like you're not scared to hurt me over and over again. I clenched my jaw, feeling the tight grip against my chest, making it hard to breathe. "You don't love him."

"If not then who?"


Camila chuckled, "You're delusional."

"You're in denial."

"You're insane."

"Admit it, Camila!"

"If I love you, I will choose you right away."

How can you be so sure that Camila will choose you over me? I mean, you're always the second option...right?

I gulped as I begin to feel the ache in my chest while Ross' words kept playing in my head over and over again. But even so, I still manage to counter her statement, "If you don't love me then why did you kiss me back that night? Why do you care about me? Why-"

"-Because you're Hailee's friend, that's the truth."

Because...I'm Hailee's friend?! Fucking seriously?!

"When you kissed me that night, was it...Hailee that you see or me?"

"Hailee." Camila answered quickly. It's as if she didn't even think carefully of my question. I look at her eyes and I hate what I see-sincerity.

As the conversation goes deeper, the more pain in my chest grew. My mind already knew but I'm still not prepare to hear it. It still hurt.

"So Lauren-"I didn't let Camila finish what she's going to say. I cupped her cheeks and press my lips against hers. I kiss her passionately but she didn't bother to kiss me back. Instead, she kept punching my chest until our contact broke. And before I even know it, her palm hit my cheek.

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