The Tree Gets Snow White in the End

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Camila's Pov

U week is over and both Lauren and I are stressing out from overwhelming school works and cramming out for the upcoming quizzes from left to right. Plus, tomorrow night is the play so I'm pretty nervous and a bit stress.

It's past 8:30 pm and I just finished doing 3 plates in the coffee shop with Dinah and now I'm walking back at the dorm like a zombie who haven't eaten anything for months. That's how super exhausted I am not just physically but mentally.

I slip my hand inside my pocket to get my keys because I don't know if Lauren's home already or not. We haven't talk that much after the U week since we're both super occupied by everything. Me in theatre and plates while Lauren's having a 5 hours or sometimes whole day of training for the upcoming Football game in Princeton.

I push the door with no strength at all and I'm surprise to see Lauren sitting in her bed while reading a book of Nicholas Sparks. Her gaze lift up to meet mine once she felt that I'm already home.

With smile, she says, "Hi Camz, how's your day?"

"Hmm!" I took a deep breath, throwing my stuff on the floor. "I'm super tired."

Lauren close the book and put it on the side before she walk towards my direction and give me a hug, "Power hug so you won't feel tired anymore."

I smiled, letting her warmth crash down on me. It's true, isn't it? Just one hug, one smile, one look coming from your favorite person is like a magic pill that can take away everything that you feel. And so, I hug her back and we stayed like that a little longer. But for me, it feels like we've been hugging each other ever since forever.

That night, we ate dinner together. Lauren cooked, to my surprise. She prepared beef stew and it was so delicious. I'm not saying that because she's special to me but because it really is. We talk for a few minutes, catching up and then we both drift off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up pretty early than the usual for the last practice-6:00 am sharp. I already grab my stuff, swing my bag around my shoulder and before I get going and start my day, I take a peek outside the window and cold wind is what welcomed me, causing me to shiver. It's cold today so I walk towards my closet and took one of my jacket. Not for myself but for Lauren. Ever since she moved here with me, I noticed that she don't have any jacket or coat with her.

I put the jacket in my bed with a little note:

It's cold outside so don't forget to wear this jacket.

Then I walk towards Lauren's direction who's still peacefully sleeping. I smiled while watching her drift far far away. She's sleeping and literally doing nothing yet she's still looks so perfect. I thought before I leaned in and planted a soft kiss on her forehead before I head outside.

6 minutes of walking down the street before I get to Princeton and pass few floor levels before I get to the theatre club. For the past 4 hours, we've been practicing scene by scene until Miss Lewis make sure that everything is running smoothly and perfect. And that everybody is already prepared for the big event happening tonight.

After the practice, I headed straight to my locker room to change my shirt since I'm super sweaty and I need to get ready for my class as well. Before I could get to my locker, my eyes got nailed at the field where Football players are currently having a practice. From the top view since I'm at the 3rd floor, my eyes desperately searches for one specific green eyed girl with a jersey number 11. And when my eyes finally found her after 3 minutes of searching, a smile naturally forms on my face even though there's no reason for me to smile at all. Within this distance, I admire the person that keeps me sane and the reason why sometimes I can't sleep at night.

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