More Than Smiles and Coffees

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Lauren's Pov

I let out a sigh in the mid air while looking at my window. Today is Camila's flight going back to Miami and I already miss her. The kind of miss like it's been forever since I last saw her. And now it keeps me wondering how on earth will I ever survive without Camila for 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, or whatsoever. But as much as I don't want her to leave New York since everything is starting to go back to normal, I know there's still a trauma and pain living inside Camila. Right now, I really can't do anything except to wait for her. I just hope that she'll be fine. No matter how long, I'll keep my loyalty to her.

"Young master," Roger's voice echoed around followed by the door opening, "are you okay? Miss Cabello's leaving today."

"I know."

"You're not going to the airport to see her one last time?"

I'm having a doubt at Roger's question. Actually, I've been thinking about going to the airport to see Camila for the last time. But then I know that if I ever hug her, I don't think I can control myself to let her go. Also, I don't want to cry in front of her just because she's leaving. I'm not soft and a crybaby but when it comes to her, I became soft like a wet tissue paper.

I shrugged both of my shoulders as my response, "Don't know."

"Young master," Roger called out again so I look towards his direction. As soon as our eyes met, Roger throw my car keys that I quickly catch. "Go. You don't know when will you see Miss Cabello again. Maybe if time comes that she'll be back here in New York, she already had a boyfriend or-"

I cut Roger off, "Fine, fine! You talk too much." I walk towards his direction while Roger's giving me a smile.

"Have a good day, Young master."

"Yeah," I glance at my watch and it's already 4:17 pm. I don't know what time their flight is but I feel like I'm already late so I run towards outside.

"Maria! Open the-" I stop from my tracks with a furrowed eyebrows as soon as my eyes met brown, "Camz?! What-what are you doing here?"

Camila smiled, "What do you think?"

"I don't know what to think, honestly. I-it's like the thoughts in my head suddenly wipe out when I saw you."

The brunette chuckled, "I'm not leaving New York."

"What?! But...why?"

"Do you want me to go then? Okay, bye." Camila turn her back on me. I watch her took a few steps before my brain finally wakes up. I quickly run after Camila and grab her arm, turning her around to face me.

"Don't go. I love you being here with me-I mean, here in New York."

"I love being here with you too." Camila smiled, reaching for my hand. It's like my brain and my whole body freeze after I realized that our hands are intertwined against each other. Okay, what the hell is happening?

"Are you...are you really Camila? Or just another version of Ross?"

Instead of answering my question, Camila tip toed and rest her forehead against mine, "Didn't we promise to not leave each other ever again? Now that I found you, do you really think I'll still leave?" I smiled, She's really my Camila.

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