Spider-Man and Catwoman

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Camila's Pov

Hey, lunch later at the garden? I miss you already.

"Miss me my butt!" I hissed, tossing my phone in the air. Lucky for me, Austin catch it in the mid air or else I'll have a broken phone in no time.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down." Austin pat my legs that currently resting against his lap.

We're at the coffee shop with Dinah and Mani. The three of them bought a hot brewed coffee while Dinah bought me an icy cold milkshake to cool off my head.

"Calm down?! How can I?!" I turn my anger at Austin and the boy quickly raised his hands in the mid air, giving me a okay, I'll shut up kind of look.

I don't know why I'm so mad right now. Like, literally mad! I'm pissed and I'm super annoyed like lay-a-finger-on-me-just-for-one-second-and-I'll-kill-you kind of annoyed and my mood is so quick to change. I easily feel irritated especially when it comes to Lauren. When I see her, hear her stupid voice, or even when she breathe, it literally pissed me off. I don't know. Is it because I have today? Is it because I simply hate everyone right now? Is it because how she compliment Sophia Messa yesterday? How she called that blonde chick a pretty girl and how Lauren check her out? Is it because I literally stayed up all night just to wait for her because I can't sleep cause I'm worried about her but I ended up wasting my time because she didn't come home? Or is it because-

"Don't think about it, Walz. You're jealous. Plain and simple."

"I'm not jealous!" I quick to defend myself because I'm not! I. Am. Not. Jealous. Period.

Austin, Dinah, and Mani gave me a oh yeah, sure kind of look so I know they don't believe me.

"I'm pissed and I'm mad because I literally stayed up all night just for her but she didn't come home! She never even bother to send me a text message! Does she not have any manners?! How would she like it if I did something like that?! Dinah, how would you feel about that when Mani did the same thing? Or I DID the same thing to anyone of you?? I bet you'll feel the same way as I do!"

"Well," Austin cleared his throat, "It's okay for me because, you know, you're not my girlfriend. I mean, why would I feel hurt and be worried when you're just my friend? Like yes, I will be worried but like tiny little bit worried. Also, I won't get mad like that. Not unless that girl is so special to me."

"You're not Mani so why would I feel hurt?"

"Are you serious?! All I'm-"

I didn't finish what I'm saying when Mani cut me off, "Mila, you're worried because you care. You're mad because you're jealous. You're jealous because you're In love. That's it."

"I'm In love???"

"Yes!" They said in unison while nodding their head.

"Look at you, you're like a dragon lady who'll set everyone on fire. I've never seen you be like this when it comes to Hailee." Dinah.

"Having a period and jealousy is such a deadly combination, I see." Mani.

Austin chuckled, "It's just Lauren with some random girls and you're acting like that already. How much more when Victoria comes back? You'll probably set the whole world on fire."

Austin's words got me thinking. He's right, what if Victoria comes back all of a sudden? What will happen to me? I mean, right now, I'm like a mad man and a volcano that keeps on erupting every 5 seconds just by seeing Lauren compliment some random girls she don't have any relationship with. She didn't come home last night and I started to overthink about a lot of things. How much more when the woman she once deeply In love with comes back?

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