Deputy From Key West, Florida

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Hello, I know the recent chapter is soooooooooooo frustrating and as much as I want to change it, that's really part of the story line for C & L to have a strong bond together. Alright, let me explain;
Just imagine them standing somewhere in a mountain called "friendship". In order for them to cross one mountain to another mountain called "lovers", they need 2 things to build a bridge:
1). L being Fatso
2). L saving C from danger.

I get it, it's really frustrating and I put that not to frustrate and trigger the hell out of y'all or bc I really enjoyed writing something that's so triggering and all. That's like the most important ingredients to make C and L even more closer. Frustrating but very important.

If you'd like to delete this in your library it's fine. But ofcourse, I'd reaaaaaaaally really REALLY appreciate if you're going to stay with me throughout this whole story.

There's only 1 remaining chapter left then followed by several light chapters of camren. Enjoy and chill out, okay? Just calm down


Lauren's Pov

Chicago, Illinois: 9:02 pm

"Welcome to Chicago, Young master Lauren." One of my father's secretary greeted me as soon as Roger and I step inside his house.

"Lauren," A woman who's in the mid 40's wearing a brown pencil skirt, a blouse, and black blazer greeted me with a smile, "I'm Doctor Sullivan, it's nice to see you again."

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused at her words see you again cause this is honestly the first time I saw her. Though I'm puzzled, I still accepted her handshake. "What do you mean see you again?"

"You're finally here!" I shift my eyes over Doctor Sullivan's shoulder and I saw my dad wearing suit and tie approaching my direction with a smile on his face. "I miss you." Dad pulled me in for a hug.

"Miss you too." I simply replied. When my dad pulled away, he quickly introduced doctor Sullivan to me. "She's your doctor 3 years ago when you and Taylor are still staying here."

3 years ago, I've heard that once again though I can't barely remember what happened back then. I can remember Tay and I had our vacation here in Chicago for thanksgiving since dad can't leave this place for some business matters. We had our family time with Clara and Chris, we eat dinner, and explore the city. That's all I can remember.

"What happened 3 years ago?" I asked with a knitted eyebrows. I need answers. No matter how ugly it is, I need to know. Whether I'm a monster or whatever I am, I need to know.

"Let's go to my office." Dad wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walk towards the big well-furnished mansion he bought for himself. This serves as his main office as well.

Chambers in gold, big lion statues are all well displayed in every corners of the room. We're really that rich.

Roger and the other personnel of my dad open the huge door for us. Inside is a cozy, warm office of his. Huge libraries of books placed in every walls of the room and lighted chamber at the side. Dad walk through his dark brown office desk. Behind him is a huge two windows, allowing me to see the breathtaking view of Chicago and the moon shinning through the sky.

"Young master, have a seat. No matter what you're about to hear, just...calm down. Those are not enough to define who you really are."

I gulped while looking at Roger who's currently holding my shoulders. Those are not enough to define who you really are-those words somehow scared me. It's like those words are slowly pushing me at the edge of the cliff, finally admitting to myself that there accusations is somehow real.

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