Argument After Agrument

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Camila's Pov

The news about Lauren and I dating officially spread quickly in the campus like a wild fire. It was the talk of the town inside and they even posted it in the bulletin board, in the announcement area where students completely ignore the important ones posted. And then later in the morning announcement, Billie took over for a couple of seconds to say her happy greetings:


In which made all the students to cheer happily and congrats us. Most of them are happy but Victoria's friends and herself are not happy about it. And oh! Did I mention already? Ally's back! Yes, our ball of sunshine is back and guess what? Ally's already in a relationship. His name is Ben Maxwell and he's going to study here with Ally in the upcoming week. Ally also met Austin and they get along pretty well like we all expected. I'm so happy that our group is no longer composed of the couples and the third wheel. We're now all dating someone and we're all happy.

Tomorrow morning, we're all planning to have a date at the amusement park but Mani, Dinah, Austin, and Jessica bailed out saying they're both having some important errands to do but they promise us that they will come next time so it's Ally, Ben, Lauren, and I are the sure ones.

Lunch time, I walk over to the engineering department to tell Lauren about it. She texted me that she's still in their classroom hanging out with Chrissy and Billie. When I step foot inside the room, I saw Lauren sitting over at the corner while talking to her friends.

"Ohh, you two are just jealous." Lauren says, causing the two to make a disgusting face.

"Rubbish!" Chrissy and Billie said in unison, "If you don't put in more effort, no one can help you then."

"You. . ." Lauren trails off when she notice me inside the room. The green eyed girl quickly stand up to her seat and walk over to my direction, planting a soft kiss to my lips. "What's the matter?"

"Hmm. . . I have something to say."

Lauren slip her hands inside the pocket of her jeans before she speak, "I'm all ears."

"Shall we go on a date?" I asked. And even though Lauren's wearing a serious face, I can see that her cheeks are slowly turning into red. The green eyed girl glance over at her friends's direction and cleared her throat. I added, "Let's go on a date tomorrow morning."

"Sure, I have nothing to do tomorrow morning anyway."

"That's great! You two are officially going on dates. I can feel you two are super close to being a couple." Chrissy says as they walk towards our direction.

"Stop nagging me, Chrissy. I have nothing to do so might as well-"

Billie cut Lauren off by wrapping her arm around the green eyed girl's shoulder, "Come on. Why act cool when you're over the moon?"

"Do you remember Ally?"

"Ally? Ally Brooke? Yeah, yeah, I remember."

"That adorable small girl?" Billie said who's obviously teasing my ball of sunshine.

And as much as I want to yell at her, frankly, Billie's right. Ally's too small. "That's her. Well, Ally has a boyfriend and she hopes we can go on a double date."

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