Princeton University Week

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Hi!!!!! I'm suppose to update this coming Tuesday BUT I can't sleep last night so finish writing this chapter instead. Tomorrow (this is like super sure) I won't be updating anything because I'm going to my Grandma's house for my birthday and my mom's. Okay, you can now proceed reading. I'm sure all of you will love what you read in the end 😂😂 Enjoy ❤️


Lauren's Pov

I threw the soda out of my fucking mouth after I heard Billie's confession, "You and Chrissy...are a fucking thing??? How-how on earth??"

They both chuckled and even Dinah and Mani who's also officially couple gave me a small giggle.

"How will you know when you're too busy drooling over Camila? Not to mention that Ralp here have a new suitor." Billie.

"Ssshshshshs, shut up! It's creeping me out to think that the very reason why Victoria and I broke up and the guy who stole my girlfriend is now courting the hell out of me."

"Ex!" The four of them corrected me with their eyebrows furrowed as if my mistaken used of word is such fucking crime.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, y'all are right, ex. I mean, it's so cringe and he's like a fucking leech!"

"Austin's a good guy. We get to hang out with him the other day." Dinah shrugged her shoulders while Normani's giving me a small smile.

"D's right, Laur. Austin told us about Victoria and he was also hurt too. I don't think he knew what's going on between you and V at that time."

"So are you trying to tell me that he's also a victim too?"

"In my conclusion, yes. I think the real problem here is Victoria." Normani spoke firmly and somehow it got me thinking that it's also possible BUT what I knew this whole time is ALSO possible too. I don't know why the hell I'm torturing my brain to analyze the things that's already buried and already in the past. It's not like I still have feelings for Victoria or anything.

But there's always one question imprinted in my brain-why does Victoria still bother the hell out of me so much?

"Why are we talking about Victoria anyway?" Chrissy suddenly spoke, snapping my brain back to reality that I'm sitting here with them at the corner of the stage inside the theatre room.

"Don't know." I shrugged my shoulders, "You guys brought Austin up."

"You're the one who brought that up!" Billie.


"I'm sorry. Did I took so long?" I shift my eyes on my left and I saw Camila holding 2 bottles of orange juice. The brunette sat down next to me, handing me one with a smile on her face.

"I bought you incase you're thirsty."

"Thanks Camz." I smiled back.

"So we're all dating and I'm curious when will you two?" Normani asked with a teasingly smile plastered on her lips.

"Well," I started and then here's nervous Camila speaking at the same time as I am, "I," We both look at each other and smile. I speak again, "Yeah, I-I mean,"

"Yeah," Camila shrugged her shoulders, letting out a nervous chuckle, "I don't think-yeah, Fatso and I are like best friends and I don't think I can put that kind of relationship at risk by like, you know, dating romantically."

I remain my eyes darted on Camila, studying the emotions behind her eyes. Good at words but such a bad liar. What her mouth says contradict what her eyes are screaming. Why are you lying, Camila? Could it be? She's feeling the same way too? Or I'm just being delusional? Before I could even think or say anything, I notice someone is standing beside Camila. It was man, human dorito, I mean.

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