The NBA Kiss Cam

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Camila's Pov

I turn on the lampshade placed at the left side of my drafting table before I continue adding some more details in the floor plan that I'm making. It's already 6:00 pm sharp and I still have to finish 3 plates that needed to be pass tomorrow morning.

My body flinch a little when the door suddenly burst wide open, "Camz!" It was Lauren running towards my direction with a wide smile written on her lips, "Guess what? You've got the lead role! You're Snow White!"

I breathed out in disbelief, "R-really?"

The green eyed girl nodded, "That's why we need to celebrate tonight." Lauren lift up her hand, enough for me to see a two NBA game tickets.

"I'd really love to go Fatso but-"

Lauren cut me off by grabbing my hand, "Don't worry, I'll help you with that. I have nothing to do tonight so we can work on that together. So, are you going out with me?"

I smiled, "Okay, I'll go get change."

"Take your time, Camz."

I walk towards our closet, trying to find a beautiful piece of clothes to wear. I honestly don't know what to wear. Should I wear a dress? A jeans and a shirt? A skirt? I don't know. I tapped my fingers against the closet door before I pulled my red crop top Venice Beach shirt and my white jeans and wear it all out.

"Fatso, how do I look?"

Lauren lift up her gaze away from her phone to look at me. She smiled, "Magnifico, señorita! You look like an angel comes down from heaven."

"I'm serious, Fatso. Do I look okay? Should I change or what?"

Lauren stand up from the couch and walk towards my direction, "You want a serious answer?"

I nodd my head slightly as Lauren tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ear before looking in my eyes lovingly, "You're the kind of woman that will drive someone crazy by doing absolutely nothing except by being yourself. You're beautiful but your looks never stood a chance compared to how breathtaking your soul is. You're beautiful when you laugh, you're still beautiful when you cry, but when you're being this fearless and determined about the things you were passionate about, you are so sexy as hell. All I'm saying is look so fucking beautiful in that clothes, Camz. And no, you don't need to change. I love what you're wearing, simple but beautiful. Like you."

I can't help myself not to smile after hearing Lauren's long ass speech just to tell me in the end that I looked good in my clothes. And yes, I do believe her.

"You're girlfriend will be so lucky to have you, Fatso."

"You mean, you?" The green eyed girl cupped my cheeks, "I'm no knight and shinning armour. I'm not every girl's dream to be their girlfriend for I always tend to act strange, nervous, and do something stupid everytime I'm trying to express what I truly feel. That's who I am, what I am. But Camz, you deserve to be treated well and be happy and I'm going to fight my whole life trying to treat you better than anyone else because I don't want to lose you."

"You're not going to lose me, Lauren. You're...making me happy," I smiled, "you annoy the hell out of me, you're making me pissed most of the times but most importantly, I know you love me more than anyone else. Where would I still go? I'd rather be here with my best friend than with somebody else. We're each other's home, Fatso."

Lauren chuckled, pulling me in for a hug. "Yeah, we're each other's home." We hug for a minute then pulled away as we head out towards the door of our dorm.

Lauren and I casually walking down the hallway with our skin keep touching with every sway of our arms. I glance at the green eyed girl and even though she's not smiling, I can perfectly see the smile in her eyes-she's happy. For the past 5 days that we've been living together in the dorm, I've never heard any complaint coming from her. Instead, she's smiling more often than being a cranky head so I guess it's really true that a house is just a shelter with a four corner walls. What makes a house a home is a person living in it. Now I finally get to understand that no matter where we go, it will alway feels like home, be it under the bridge or under the tree.

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